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Thread: De ce?

  1. De ce?

    Membru - Silver III Mozzz's Avatar
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    De ce?

    De ce nu se mai joaca nimeni? Care-i faza, vad ca pe forum sunteti activi destui de multi.

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    Membru - Silver III It's -_^'s Avatar
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    1.Admini 2.Modurile pe cs 1.6 sunt pa 3.2022 @You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Like dcdaifa, ~TraNda~ a dat Like acetui post

  3. De ce?

    Membru - Silver III Mozzz's Avatar
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    Si daca e 2022 ce drq ma? Nu te mai joci ca e 2022 si e vechi jocul, mie unul mi se pare la fel de misto.

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    Dupa cum vezi, jocul este cam mort fara boost-uri. Cine a putut acapara jucatorii, i-a acaparat prin kit-uri de CS non-steam modificate cu propriile masterservere. Dar nu doar boost-urile sunt de vina, ci si comunitatiile noi rasarite de-a lungul timpului ca ciuperciile dupa ploaie ce promiteau admin direct fara ore jucate pe servere sau grade direct pe forum, dar si multitudinea de jocuri online+multiplayer noi aparute.

    Activitatea pe forum este, in marea majoritate, doar pe subforum-ul de wCD.

    Momentam, ca sa resuscitam serverele, am avea nevoie de oameni de baza ce sa nu aiba si alte activitati (job, familie, etc.) care sa convinga jucatorii sa vina la noi.
    ====== MY RULES =====
    • Do not bother me with private messages (including Steam or Facebook) related to WarGods Cheat Defender unless I have specifically asked you to do so. If you have an issue or question, please use the search function first. Only post on the forum if you cannot find anything useful.
    • Always provide the necessary information. Read the request model carefully before posting. Do not write lengthy stories in your post as I don't have time to read them. Just include the required information.
    • Keep in mind this is a free service. I have limited free time and other important priorities. Do not bother me if I haven't replied to your topic within an hour. Only remind me about your topic/PM if I haven't responded within a week. I try to resolve all issues once or twice a week or whenever I am free.

  5. De ce?

    Membru - Silver III Mozzz's Avatar
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    Job am, chiar 2. Dar intre astea 2, prind timp o ora, 2 sa joc daca e activitate. Boost, tre sa cumpar euro pe cartela si deseori imi e lene sa merg..

  6. De ce?

    Membru - Silver III It's -_^'s Avatar
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    Ca idee,cererea de slot sau helper de pe dr sta acolo de 2 luni mai mult sau mai putin fara un com,asta cum se cheamă? @You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! @You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

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    Membru - Gold Nova III dcdaifa's Avatar
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    nu mai sunt persoane care sa se implice,sa incercat prin bost,prin relcama pe alte servere si pe facebook
    dar degeaba usor usor a murit totul,lumea intra cand se dadea un bost din 20 de jucatori sa zici ca
    mai intrau maxim 2 peste 1.2 zille pe server dar degeba usor usor si cei care au incercat sa faca relcama au
    plecat 1 cate 1,multi dintre noi au familie nu le mai permite timpul sa intre,alti sau mutat pe alte servere
    sa dus vremea cand nu faceam fata la wcd-uri si incercam sa le spunem celor noi care intrau pe server
    cum se pune un laser cum se dezactiveaza de ce nu mai are laser etc etc.......
    Va salut cu respect
    Razi cand esti suparata, Zambeste cand esti enervata, Trezeste-te zambind dimineata, Mai pe scurt... Traieste-ti viata

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  8. De ce?

    VIP ~TraNda~'s Avatar
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    Problema mare este ca jocul asta are 22 de ani, iar jucatorii care au mai ramas rar mai cauta moduri pentru 1.6, prefera sa joace un clasic de relaxare. Si boostul a fost un factor de distrugere a acestui joc. Prosti au fost si sunt cei care platesc cateva sute de euro pe luna pentru boost. Jucatorii nu mai sunt liberi sa-si aleaga serverul.
    In plus, serverul asta de zm e down, banat pe gtrs, nu e inscris pe gt.com, ce sanse sa mai aibe sa il mai vada vreun player..

    TraNda - WarGods | R.R.M - AngeL - LiOn. - pichacku - Jok3r - UnicA

    P A C E

    DISCORD: unknown.cfg

    Like ~Wolf~ a dat Like acetui post

  9. De ce?

    Mai merge server-ul de biohazard? ca am incercat sa dau add si nu merge as vrea sa dau cate-va boost-uri sa ma distrez putin

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    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    @You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! : Boostul a fost doar unul dintre motive, al doilea factor principal a fost faptul ca oricine isi putea permitea un server ceea ce a dus la aparitia comunitatiile ciuperca.

    Momentan niciun server nu functioneaza, dedicatul are o problema cu memoria RAM.
    ====== MY RULES =====
    • Do not bother me with private messages (including Steam or Facebook) related to WarGods Cheat Defender unless I have specifically asked you to do so. If you have an issue or question, please use the search function first. Only post on the forum if you cannot find anything useful.
    • Always provide the necessary information. Read the request model carefully before posting. Do not write lengthy stories in your post as I don't have time to read them. Just include the required information.
    • Keep in mind this is a free service. I have limited free time and other important priorities. Do not bother me if I haven't replied to your topic within an hour. Only remind me about your topic/PM if I haven't responded within a week. I try to resolve all issues once or twice a week or whenever I am free.

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