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  1. unban/reclamatie wow.unbanned

    Membru junior wow123's Avatar
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    unban/reclamatie wow.unbanned

    NUME: wow.unbanned
    IP: confidebtial
    VARSTA: 23
    STEAM ID: 1339 STEAM_1:0:849548866 0 00:05 7 0
    ID DE STEAM: -.
    DATA: 29.08.2019
    ORA: 21.00
    HARTA: m-am apucat
    ADMIN: "magiceanu"
    MOTIV: "retry"
    DOVEZI: -
    MENTIUNI: Faini admini aveti pe sv., am inteles ban-ul pe care l-am primit cand am inchis wcd-ul din greseala (desi l-am facut de 4 ori, dar invidea nu omoara, presupun), dar asta ? S-a se i-a un admin dupa un jucator ? Ati cazut rau de tot, aveam un oarecum respect fata de ei (admini), de cand s-a conportat Costy frumos fata de mine, dar de acum incolo nu va voi mai putea acorda nici-o boaba de respect (scuze?!), bineinteles, cu exceptia dl-ul Costy.
    Va rog sa acordati mai mult timp cu admini, nu ii culegeti de pe jos.

    Custom resource propagation...
    Decompressing file !MD55679c042857e31ec0dfaad41aed29102 (1811 -> 6296)
    lOl dropped
    *** MagiCianu killed Axervu.Bic :] with a headshot from scout ***
    omo dropped
    barni dropped
    barni has left the game
    Type 'amx_help' in the console to see available commands
    lOl connected
    lOl is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
    Time Left: 5:15 min. Next Map: [not yet voted on]
    C0BR4 (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
    ] fps_max 500
    [Deathrun] You have selected:
    [Deathrun] Damage: 1.49x - Speed: 0.69x - Gravity: 0.80x
    [Deathrun] I`m ` YOUSEF ^^ is now the terrorist.
    omo connected
    omo is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
    [Deathrun] You have selected:
    Axervu.Bic :] killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
    [Deathrun] Damage: 1.00x - Speed: 1.29x - Gravity: 0.49x
    ] admins
    ...::: Echipa WarGods :::...
    --== Moderator ==--
    ...::: MagiCianu :::...
    --== VIP ==--
    ...::: MagiCianu :::...
    ...::: Echipa WarGods :::...
    [Deathrun]: AUTO BHOP este activat pe acest server.
    I`m ` YOUSEF ^^ killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
    KaSuKe killed self with trigger_hurt
    C0BR4 : ban wow
    [Deathrun]: AUTO BHOP este activat pe acest server.
    KaSuKe killed self with trigger_hurt
    ==== WarGods Community AMXBAN ===[*] Server: Dr.WarGods.ro # VIP FREE EVENT![*] Map: deathrun_crazyhop_v1[*] Admin: MagiCianu[*] Your name: wow.unbanned[*] Your IP:[*] Your AuthID: STEAM_0:0:849548866[*] Ban Reason: stai.tero[*] Ban Minutes: 30 minutes[*] Time/Data: 20:53:41 <> 29/08/2019[*] Website: You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    ======= WARGODS COMMUNITY =======
    C0BR4 : a dat retry
    Kicked by Console: "Banned! Check your console!"
    Kicked :"Banned! Check
    Last edited by wow123; 29-08-2019 at 09:12 PM.

  2. unban/reclamatie wow.unbanned

    Membru - Gold Nova I wGods N0l1m1t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wow123 You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    NUME: wow.unbanned
    IP: confidebtial
    VARSTA: 23
    STEAM ID: 1339 STEAM_1:0:849548866 0 00:05 7 0
    ID DE STEAM: -.
    DATA: 29.08.2019
    ORA: 21.00
    HARTA: m-am apucat
    ADMIN: "magiceanu"
    MOTIV: "retry"
    DOVEZI: -
    MENTIUNI: Faini admini aveti pe sv., am inteles ban-ul pe care l-am primit cand am inchis wcd-ul din greseala (desi l-am facut de 4 ori, dar invidea nu omoara, presupun), dar asta ? S-a se i-a un admin dupa un jucator ? Ati cazut rau de tot, aveam un oarecum respect fata de ei (admini), de cand s-a conportat Costy frumos fata de mine, dar de acum incolo nu va voi mai putea acorda nici-o boaba de respect (scuze?!), bineinteles, cu exceptia dl-ul Costy.
    Va rog sa acordati mai mult timp cu admini, nu ii culegeti de pe jos.

    Custom resource propagation...
    Decompressing file !MD55679c042857e31ec0dfaad41aed29102 (1811 -> 6296)
    lOl dropped
    *** MagiCianu killed Axervu.Bic :] with a headshot from scout ***
    omo dropped
    barni dropped
    barni has left the game
    Type 'amx_help' in the console to see available commands
    lOl connected
    lOl is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
    Time Left: 5:15 min. Next Map: [not yet voted on]
    C0BR4 (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
    ] fps_max 500
    [Deathrun] You have selected:
    [Deathrun] Damage: 1.49x - Speed: 0.69x - Gravity: 0.80x
    [Deathrun] I`m ` YOUSEF ^^ is now the terrorist.
    omo connected
    omo is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
    [Deathrun] You have selected:
    Axervu.Bic :] killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
    [Deathrun] Damage: 1.00x - Speed: 1.29x - Gravity: 0.49x
    ] admins
    ...::: Echipa WarGods :::...
    --== Moderator ==--
    ...::: MagiCianu :::...
    --== VIP ==--
    ...::: MagiCianu :::...
    ...::: Echipa WarGods :::...
    [Deathrun]: AUTO BHOP este activat pe acest server.
    I`m ` YOUSEF ^^ killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
    KaSuKe killed self with trigger_hurt
    C0BR4 : ban wow
    [Deathrun]: AUTO BHOP este activat pe acest server.
    KaSuKe killed self with trigger_hurt
    ==== WarGods Community AMXBAN ===[*] Server: Dr.WarGods.ro # VIP FREE EVENT![*] Map: deathrun_crazyhop_v1[*] Admin: MagiCianu[*] Your name: wow.unbanned[*] Your IP:[*] Your AuthID: STEAM_0:0:849548866[*] Ban Reason: stai.tero[*] Ban Minutes: 30 minutes[*] Time/Data: 20:53:41 <> 29/08/2019[*] Website: You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    ======= WARGODS COMMUNITY =======
    C0BR4 : a dat retry
    Kicked by Console: "Banned! Check your console!"
    Kicked :"Banned! Check
    nu ai voie sa iesi cand esti tero. citeste regulamentu ca exista si ala cu un scop
    Retras de pe toate serverele.
    Doar un camarad in trecere

  3. unban/reclamatie wow.unbanned

    Membru - Gold Nova I N/O/I/S/E's Avatar
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    Si screenshot-ul unde este? Fara o dovada credibila nu putem sa iti acceptam cererea. E foarte usor sa stergi linia inportanta. Si un player normal nu cred ca s-ar fii plans ca ai iesi de la tero. In orice caz asteptam si dovada adminului in cauza.

    Nothing Interesting

    If I were dead, I wouldn't be sad, and I wouldn't be glad, because I wouldn't be.

  4. unban/reclamatie wow.unbanned

    Membru junior wow123's Avatar
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    Ai citit ceva din ce am scris ? am intrat pe sv, mi-am setat fps-ul, am scris admini sa vad cine-i pe sv., mi-am schimbat cutitu' si ban, atat.
    Inca un admin de "calitate".
    Thanks MagiCianu a dat Thanks acetui post

  5. unban/reclamatie wow.unbanned

    Membru - Gold Nova I N/O/I/S/E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wow123 You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Ai citit ceva din ce am scris ? am intrat pe sv, mi-am setat fps-ul, am scris admini sa vad cine-i pe sv., mi-am schimbat cutitu' si ban, atat.
    Inca un admin de "calitate".
    Si inca un player care crede ca da pe cine vrea afara. Misto sa fii post-hunter. Inca asteptam SS-ul de la tine.-

    Nothing Interesting

    If I were dead, I wouldn't be sad, and I wouldn't be glad, because I wouldn't be.

    Like mugurhaiduc a dat Like acetui post

  6. unban/reclamatie wow.unbanned

    VIP MagiCianu's Avatar
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    Cand ai dat retry erai tero , in caz de nu ai observat , nu iti dadeam ban aiurea....Multumesc pentru intelegere !
    Connect: Dr.wargods.ro

  7. unban/reclamatie wow.unbanned

    Membru - Gold Nova I wGods N0l1m1t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wow123 You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Ai citit ceva din ce am scris ? am intrat pe sv, mi-am setat fps-ul, am scris admini sa vad cine-i pe sv., mi-am schimbat cutitu' si ban, atat.
    Inca un admin de "calitate".
    "Cat se da ban pentru iesitul/retry-ul de la tero
    Chiar daca da retry sau iese definitiv de pe server se da ban 30 minute" uite aici de ce ai luat ban si oricum cred ca ai sters tu linia cand ai iesit de pe sv. Nu cred ca ala e tot log ul dar ma rog. De asta ai luat ban, nu te mai plange atata

    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! ( aici link de unde am luat linia de mai sus )
    Last edited by wGods N0l1m1t; 29-08-2019 at 10:40 PM.
    Retras de pe toate serverele.
    Doar un camarad in trecere

  8. unban/reclamatie wow.unbanned

    VIP MagiCianu's Avatar
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    Citeste regulamentul !!!
    Quote Originally Posted by wow123 You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    NUME: wow.unbanned
    IP: confidebtial
    VARSTA: 23
    STEAM ID: 1339 STEAM_1:0:849548866 0 00:05 7 0
    ID DE STEAM: -.
    DATA: 29.08.2019
    ORA: 21.00
    HARTA: m-am apucat
    ADMIN: "magiceanu"
    MOTIV: "retry"
    DOVEZI: -
    MENTIUNI: Faini admini aveti pe sv., am inteles ban-ul pe care l-am primit cand am inchis wcd-ul din greseala (desi l-am facut de 4 ori, dar invidea nu omoara, presupun), dar asta ? S-a se i-a un admin dupa un jucator ? Ati cazut rau de tot, aveam un oarecum respect fata de ei (admini), de cand s-a conportat Costy frumos fata de mine, dar de acum incolo nu va voi mai putea acorda nici-o boaba de respect (scuze?!), bineinteles, cu exceptia dl-ul Costy.
    Va rog sa acordati mai mult timp cu admini, nu ii culegeti de pe jos.

    Custom resource propagation...
    Decompressing file !MD55679c042857e31ec0dfaad41aed29102 (1811 -> 6296)
    lOl dropped
    *** MagiCianu killed Axervu.Bic :] with a headshot from scout ***
    omo dropped
    barni dropped
    barni has left the game
    Type 'amx_help' in the console to see available commands
    lOl connected
    lOl is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
    Time Left: 5:15 min. Next Map: [not yet voted on]
    C0BR4 (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
    ] fps_max 500
    [Deathrun] You have selected:
    [Deathrun] Damage: 1.49x - Speed: 0.69x - Gravity: 0.80x
    [Deathrun] I`m ` YOUSEF ^^ is now the terrorist.
    omo connected
    omo is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
    [Deathrun] You have selected:
    Axervu.Bic :] killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
    [Deathrun] Damage: 1.00x - Speed: 1.29x - Gravity: 0.49x
    ] admins
    ...::: Echipa WarGods :::...
    --== Moderator ==--
    ...::: MagiCianu :::...
    --== VIP ==--
    ...::: MagiCianu :::...
    ...::: Echipa WarGods :::...
    [Deathrun]: AUTO BHOP este activat pe acest server.
    I`m ` YOUSEF ^^ killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
    KaSuKe killed self with trigger_hurt
    C0BR4 : ban wow
    [Deathrun]: AUTO BHOP este activat pe acest server.
    KaSuKe killed self with trigger_hurt
    ==== WarGods Community AMXBAN ===[*] Server: Dr.WarGods.ro # VIP FREE EVENT![*] Map: deathrun_crazyhop_v1[*] Admin: MagiCianu[*] Your name: wow.unbanned[*] Your IP:[*] Your AuthID: STEAM_0:0:849548866[*] Ban Reason: stai.tero[*] Ban Minutes: 30 minutes[*] Time/Data: 20:53:41 <> 29/08/2019[*] Website: You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    ======= WARGODS COMMUNITY =======
    C0BR4 : a dat retry
    Kicked by Console: "Banned! Check your console!"
    Kicked :"Banned! Check
    Connect: Dr.wargods.ro

  9. unban/reclamatie wow.unbanned

    Membru - Gold Nova III k1dda's Avatar
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    , asta nu e o dovada buna.
    𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭

    𝓐 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓸

    𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓹 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓮

    Like mugurhaiduc a dat Like acetui post

  10. unban/reclamatie wow.unbanned

    Manager Server:
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    mugurhaiduc's Avatar
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