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Thread: False Positive

  1. False Positive

    ANONIM021's Avatar
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    False Positive

    RAPORT: You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! - asta l-am facut acum si e la fel ca celelalte
    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! - de aici a inceput...Iar in valve rc-ala aveam bind-uri si alea cu blood...
    ANTIVIRUS: Folosesc Antivirusul basic de la Windows 10
    DESCRIERE ADITIONALA: Am intrat in cs, am jucat ceva timp, iar apoi mi s-a cerut un wrg, l-am facut dar mi-a iesit rosu.Apoi am reinstalat cs-ul, apoi am facut iar wrg si aceeasi poveste...Apoi steam-ul si la fel...Nu am folosit asa ceva, iar in cs, nu vad nimic care ar putea fi asa ceva.Mereu am jucat clean...Daca nu ma credeti puteti sa ma verificati cu supremo.Nu inteleg de ce mi-ar da asa...Si plus ca habar n-am ce inseamna motivul acela...Nu folosesc si nici n-am folosit niciun cod...
    LINK DUMP MEMORIE CS: You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

    Multumesc anticipat!Iar parola cand o trimit si cui? Lui Tiger?

  2. False Positive

    Membru - Gold Nova III ~Life~'s Avatar
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    Multumesc anticipat!Iar parola cand o trimit si cui? Lui Tiger?
    Salut, asteapta indicatiile lui Tiger si vei rezolva problema.

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    N-am grad pe niciun server.

  3. False Positive

    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    Ai rulat, candva, Vermillion si codul inca ti-a ramas in PC - chiar si sub forma de cache. Da o curatare cu CCleaner, pentru a sterge cache-ul de la Prefetch.

  4. False Positive

    ANONIM021's Avatar
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    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! Asta e wrg dupa ce am sters prefetch-ul

    Multumesc din inima Triger!!
    Dar cu celelalte scan-uri cum ramane?
    Daca mi-ai scoate report-ul ala nemernic, ti-as fi profund recunoscator... Dar daca nu vrei, asta e...
    Oricum, multumesc din nou! Mi-ai fost de mare ajutor!!
    Seara faina!
    Last edited by ANONIM021; 31-03-2019 at 12:15 AM. Reason: Corectare greseli
    Like Blue01 a dat Like acetui post

  5. False Positive

    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    Ti-am sters detectia doar pentru cazul in care ai avut dump-ul de memorie. Nu este un caz de false-positive generic pentru a iti sterge si restul detectiilor, trebuia sa vii sa raportezi "problema" ta aici atunci cand ai fost detectat si nicidecum dupa o luna.

    Like Blue01 a dat Like acetui post

  6. False Positive

    ANONIM021's Avatar
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    Pai nu prea am stiut ce sa fac in momentele alea si m-am panicat si am lasat asa...Dar azi cineva m-a indrumat sa fac o cerere de felul acesta! Si chiar voiam sa reinstalez windows-ul.
    Si plus ca nu am stiut ce motiv sa pun...
    Multumesc din inima!

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