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  1. Bug cu nick-ul in raport

    Membru - Silver I kolorkode's Avatar
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    Bug cu nick-ul in raport

    UNIQUE ID (OPTIONAL): BC1*3100E*7B4572BF0*AE*60E937*34
    NUME: ScreaM
    IP: *8.15*.2*2.7
    ID DE STEAM: Steam # STEAM_0:1:149094994
    DATA SI ORA: 08.02.2018 19:16:40
    SCREENSHOT: Nu cred ca e nevoie
    SISTEM DE OPERARE: Win 10 x64
    ANTIVIRUS (OPTIONAL): Defender cu exceptie pusa la wargods.
    DESCRIERE PROBLEMA: Deci am nick-ul ScreaM, iar de o perioada imi apare nick-ul vechi DAR cu o ' " ' la sfarsitul numelui, de ex jucam cu numele "cyou. next round" iar in wargods imi apare ' " ' la sfarsitul numelui, dupa care am schimbat numele in ScreaM si am dat niste wargods-uri si imi aparea la nickname "???" de vreo 3-4 ori, iar dupa am sters un config (mememe.cfg) si l-am redenumit in config.cfg ca zic ca poate face ceva conflict si nu stie pe care sa-l ia ca are 2 "name" in 2 cfg diverse, ei bine,a rezolvat problema partial, doar ca acum wargods-ul nu arata o litera, ultima litera. Am numele ScreaM si imi apare "Screa" in wargods. You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! in config.cfg uite cum am numele, si il am pe read-only .cfg-ul, posibil sa fie de la un comentariu langa linia aia? You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

    Nu am luat ban pana cand pentru bugul asta dar posibil sa creeze ceva probleme in viitor, si m-am simtit obligata sa iti prezint acest bug...
    Last edited by kolorkode; 08-02-2018 at 09:31 PM.
    Thanks Tiger a dat Thanks acetui post

  2. Bug cu nick-ul in raport

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    Am sters screenshot-ul deoarece continea si parola. Multumesc pentru raportare, se va rezolva la urmatorul update.

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  3. Bug cu nick-ul in raport

    Membru - Silver I kolorkode's Avatar
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    Cp! Mersi ca ai sters-o, n-am vazut ca am pus si setinfo in screen
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