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  1. FPS mic doar pe server-ul de zombie :|

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    Exclamation FPS mic doar pe server-ul de zombie :|

    precum am spus despre laptop, merge orice joc... in cs 1.6 dar cand intru pe serverul de zombie am fps f mic 4-6 ... cand intru pe gungame, sau cs sau altele am intre 30-60 ... ce sa fac ca sa pot intra si pe serverul cu zombie???

    PS: am incercat orice varianta de reparare ... fara rezultat

    PS2: pe PC mi se blocheza DOAR acest server, uneori doar, pentru 10-20 secunde ... si cateodata mi se blocheaza si mai mult, dar atunci imi da BSOD ... cu eroarea la un fisier nclp24.sys - nu mai stiu sigur...am sa-l scriu corect data viitoare cand imi da un BSOD

  2. FPS mic doar pe server-ul de zombie :|

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    sincer nu stiu, probabil ai ceva la place video incompatibil cu cerintele serverului...

  3. FPS mic doar pe server-ul de zombie :|

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    Quote Originally Posted by -=MaX=- You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    sincer nu stiu, probabil ai ceva la place video incompatibil cu cerintele serverului...
    nu stiu ce sa spun...pe laptop joc Bad Company 2 (aparut in martie anul acesta), in high - merge putin mai incet ... iar in low merge perfect ...n-as prea crede ca ar putea fi de la placa video ...

  4. FPS mic doar pe server-ul de zombie :|

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    tocmai mi-am mai dat seama de inca ceva... se intampla mai mult doar (sper) la flash-urile de lumina ... vreo idee cum sa rezolv?

  5. FPS mic doar pe server-ul de zombie :|

    Membru - Silver I juNK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger | Pro You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    tocmai mi-am mai dat seama de inca ceva... se intampla mai mult doar (sper) la flash-urile de lumina ... vreo idee cum sa rezolv?
    ai rate 25000
    cl_cmdrate 101
    cl_updaterate 101
    fps_max 101
    fps_modem 0.0?

    ce placa video ai?

  6. FPS mic doar pe server-ul de zombie :|

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    Quote Originally Posted by juNK You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    ai rate 25000
    cl_cmdrate 101
    cl_updaterate 101
    fps_max 101
    fps_modem 0.0?
    ce placa video ai?
    degeaba...am incercat orice setare care am gasit-o.. insa fara rezultat ... laptop-ul are placa video shared Intel HD expandabila pana la 1278mb (din cate am vazut are 64 mb dedicati - dar nu prea se tine cot de ea la jocurile noi, trece si ia direct din rami) ... problema nu-i placa video (am jucat Bad Company 2 - aparut in martie 2010 - si mergea bine)... ii problema ca fps-ul mic apare doar cand ii urma de lumina (adica de la un flash) atunci fps-ul imi este 4-6 maxim, iar cand sunt undeva unde nu-i lumina(flash de lumina), fps-ul ii intre 40-70

  7. FPS mic doar pe server-ul de zombie :|

    Membru - Silver Elite cosmin98's Avatar
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    Tiger sincer nush ce are la mn merge perfect si am 512m Ram si Placa de 128

  8. FPS mic doar pe server-ul de zombie :|

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    Quote Originally Posted by cosmin98 You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Tiger sincer nush ce are la mn merge perfect si am 512m Ram si Placa de 128
    Si la mine merge perfect, insa nu pe serverul de zombie ... intru pe gungame sau cs sau respawn warlords am intre 30-70 fps ...

  9. FPS mic doar pe server-ul de zombie :|

    Membru - Silver I juNK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger | Pro You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Si la mine merge perfect, insa nu pe serverul de zombie ... intru pe gungame sau cs sau respawn warlords am intre 30-70 fps ...
    conteaza si placa video la cs .... daca ai nvidia debifeaza vsync off,daca ai ati da-i la setari si dai mai mult spre performance decat quality

    incearca si la hardu c cu click dreapta si debifeaza allow indensing

    la zombie sunt multe pluginuri,multe efecte ...aceleasi probleme le am si eu cateodata dar nu scade fpsu sub 30

  10. FPS mic doar pe server-ul de zombie :|

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    Quote Originally Posted by juNK You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    conteaza si placa video la cs .... daca ai nvidia debifeaza vsync off,daca ai ati da-i la setari si dai mai mult spre performance decat quality

    incearca si la hardu c cu click dreapta si debifeaza allow indensing

    la zombie sunt multe pluginuri,multe efecte ...aceleasi probleme le am si eu cateodata dar nu scade fpsu sub 30
    am incercat orice setare ... nimik .... app chestia la hdd allow indexing nu prea conteaza cine stie ce la un joc oarecare ... am spus ce placa video ii, dar am jucat BadCompany 2 merge bine, ...

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