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  1. Cerere slot Lacusta

    cosmins123's Avatar
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    Cerere slot Lacusta

    Primele 5 cifre din CNP:19212
    ID de steam:nu am
    Steam ID: nu am
    Experienta 5 luni
    Timp jucat : 40 de ore
    Perioada: Dimineata Seara
    Motiv: Eu vreau ca pe server sa nu mai fie ura si injuraturi

    Cunostiinte: amxmod
    Promovare: reclama

    Ce culoare are ursul : ursul are culoarea L1ght3 bl3u3
    Ce a facut vulpea: vulpea l-a furat pe urs

    Va rog sa ma acceptati
    Last edited by cosmins123; 23-01-2014 at 06:27 PM.
    Like Cosminutzu a dat Like acetui post

  2. Cerere slot Lacusta

    Membru - Silver Elite WarGods | Hulk's Avatar
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    Thanks cosmins123 a dat Thanks acetui post
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  3. Cerere slot Lacusta

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    Last edited by cosmins123; 23-01-2014 at 01:55 PM.

  4. Cerere slot Lacusta

    Membru - Silver Elite Melissa's Avatar
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    hmm nu stiu ce sa zic... s-au resetat orele dar avand in vedere ca la tot sv s -a intamplat la fel...
    Dam linkul cu orele jucate de pe gametracker pe sv de dr ca sa vad daca ai ore pe el...
    dupa aia dau pro/contra,
    [SIGPIC][SIGPIC]Too fast to live,too young to die
    Proud to be a Dragon
    Alone in the darkness.
    It’s so cold and crazy.
    And everybody’s heartless.
    Got no one to save me.

    But **** it, imma be all right.
    Wake up and rise.
    Baby, I’m the one
    to light it up

  5. Cerere slot Lacusta

    cosmins123's Avatar
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    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

  6. Cerere slot Lacusta

    Membru - Silver IV No Blood's Avatar
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    , are aproape 41 de ore..totusi, incearca sa faci mai multe
    Societatea are nevoie de poeti la fel asa cum noaptea are nevoie de stele.
    Thanks cosmins123 a dat Thanks acetui post
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  7. Cerere slot Lacusta

    Membru - Silver Elite Ahead's Avatar
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    de la pain
    Daiii,morii ca un adevarat erou !! . :x
    Thanks cosmins123 a dat Thanks acetui post
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  8. Cerere slot Lacusta

    Membru - Silver I alexandru15's Avatar
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    Primele 5 cifre din CNP:19212
    nu va sare nimic in vedere
    by = g0dL1K3 =
    Dislike georgegeogeo, cosmins123 a dat Dislike acetui post

  9. Cerere slot Lacusta

    Membru - Silver IV No Blood's Avatar
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    A editat cererea..posibil a scris alt CNP prima oara..
    Societatea are nevoie de poeti la fel asa cum noaptea are nevoie de stele.

  10. Cerere slot Lacusta

    Membru - Silver Elite Melissa's Avatar
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    limbaj ok,comportament ok fa mai multe ore
    [SIGPIC][SIGPIC]Too fast to live,too young to die
    Proud to be a Dragon
    Alone in the darkness.
    It’s so cold and crazy.
    And everybody’s heartless.
    Got no one to save me.

    But **** it, imma be all right.
    Wake up and rise.
    Baby, I’m the one
    to light it up

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