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Thread: unban EcKo :D

  1. unban EcKo :D

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    unban EcKo :D

    NUME: EcKo
    VARSTA: 19
    DATA: 2.07.2013
    ORA: 16:20
    HARTA: de_kabul
    ADMIN: maya
    MOTIV: aim
    MARTORI: -
    DOVEZI: You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    MENTIUNI: Graba strica treaba . nu cred ca ai apucat sa-mi faci demo in 2 minute de joc , ci te-ai luat dupa spusele jucatorilor . Initial cand am intrat pe server si ti-am zis "pot juca cu wall" evident am zis in gluma dar in fine . Justifica banu ( destroy )

  2. unban EcKo :D

    Membru - Silver Elite Master wLady-Maya's Avatar
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    Nu ma iau niciodata doar dupa spusele jucatorilor.Ti-am facut demo,pacat ca nu am prins toate fazele suspecte.Dar,ma insel sau nu,demo-ul meu e aici,si daca nici asta nu te convinge de hack,colega mea are si ea un demo de azi dimineata.Si ghici ce,protagonistul esti tot tu
    Demo: You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Keep it classy,never trashy,just a little bit nasty.

  3. unban EcKo :D

    Membru - Silver Elite Deedee's Avatar
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    Daca cel facut de Maya nu e concludent sper sa ajute si ce e aici You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

  4. unban EcKo :D

    EcKo's Avatar
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    Nici nu ma obosesc sa ma vad in actiune , stiu ca trag DEMENTIAL , dar rog un admin cu o mai mare experienta in cs sa vizioneze demo cu atentie si sa traga concluzia finala "aim sau nu " . Asta doar daca se poate , daca nu asta e , ma las de cs dezinstalez tot si plec

  5. unban EcKo :D

    Membru - Silver Elite Deedee's Avatar
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    Asta asteptam si noi

  6. unban EcKo :D

    Banned pitiku's Avatar
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    Sa nu pun un gand rau , chiar daca nu am experienta prea grozava , daca nu ma insel ti-a dat ban si bobita . Eu nu stiu de ce mai insisti cu atatea comentarii pe deasupra celor spuse de admini :-j. Din cate stiu ultimu cuvant ik au owneri ( Xela ) sau cei de rang mai inalt !
    Sa nu fac alt post : Eko devi prea enervant Te-as ruga sa te calmezi , pe mine nu ma int demoul tau Au postat : maya , dede in care am mai multa incredere decat in tine asa ca te-as ruga sa termini .
    Last edited by pitiku; 02-07-2013 at 09:20 PM.

  7. unban EcKo :D

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    cine e bobita ? si ce rost are comentariu tau la topicul asta ? ai zis vreo parere despre demo ? chiar nu vad sensul comentariului tau joc de 1 zi 2 ocazional pe publice aleatorii care cum le prind , nu stau sa fac cunostinta cu admini , le dau poze,demo si salut . Vorbesti de parca sunt in comunitatea asta de 1 an

  8. unban EcKo :D

    Membru - Silver I Dare's Avatar
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    Trage foc cu foc cu ak-ul, iar cand apasa stie cum sa apese, punct. Ca mai trece pe langa bmb fara probleme, este cu totul alta discutie. Pro unban doar in eventualitatea in care utilizeaza WAC.

  9. unban EcKo :D

    Membru - Silver Elite Master CRocoDiL's Avatar
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    Trage destul de bine,e cam greu de vazut daca joaca cu (aim) ..

    Ecko,instaleaza si tu asta You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! si poti juca linistit pe server.


  10. unban EcKo :D

    Membru - Silver Elite Master Brand's Avatar
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    PRO unban.

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