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Thread: Unban D4NT3e

  1. Unban D4NT3e

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    Unban D4NT3e

    Varsta:13 ani
    Id de Steam:Nu am
    Admini pe Server:TeIubescK
    Motiv:Probabil pentru wall
    Dovezi:You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

  2. Unban D4NT3e

    Membru - Silver Elite _TeIubescK_'s Avatar
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    A iesit dupa srv a intrat pe mess dupa 20 de minute a zis ca nu avea mesu instalat si a pus 2 poze din 3..si mi se pare ca este cv diferit in prima si a doua poza..

  3. Unban D4NT3e

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    Sa nu crezi ca vreau sa incep scandalul dar de unde crezi ca as fi putut face rost in 20min. de niste poze cu:
    -Acelasi admin
    -Aceeasi mapa
    -Acelasi Chat
    -Acelasi Nick
    Apoi scuza-ma,dar cred ca ai ceva cu mine.

  4. Unban D4NT3e

    Banned pitiku's Avatar
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    Phoposhopu face minuni . Eu sunt pro unban cu conditia wac on de cate ori intri pe sv , pozele parand suspecte !

  5. Unban D4NT3e

    Membru - Silver Elite _TeIubescK_'s Avatar
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    Ai pus o poza jumate AMICE dupa 20 de minute ce ti0am facut eu ss...???da am cv cu tn veneai in 5 10 minute cu 3 poze clare si corecte era ok
    TI-AM FACUT 3 POZE si u ai venit cu una jumate dupa 20-30 sa pui pozele pe forum niki pe mess pe nimika...deci contra unban

  6. Unban D4NT3e

    Membru - Gold Nova I Rapid1923's Avatar
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    Uploadeaza pozele cu girlshare sa vedem daca-s modificate.
    Am gandirea abila ce depaseste complexitatea aritmeticii in virgula mobila!!!

  7. Unban D4NT3e

    Membru - Gold Nova Elite XeLa's Avatar
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    Ai unban dar sa nu te vad pe server fara wac
    Sfatul meu....schimba bobcycle`ul ala sa nu mai induci lumea in eroare la ss.
    Nu sunt cel mai bun, dar nimeni nu e mai bun ca mine.

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