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Thread: Salut

  1. Salut



    Nume in joc :Elvis
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    Cuvantul cheie (il gasiti in regulament admini) : Da, am citit si nu am inteles nimic
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  2. Salut

    Membru junior Diamantu’'s Avatar
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    Salut! Din partea mea este okey, nu am jucat pe server in acelasi timp, deci nu pot sa comentez despre comportament, dar parca l-am vazut in Topuri inainte de ultima resetare.
    Thanks HuR1KaNe a dat Thanks acetui post
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  3. Salut

    Membru - Silver II HuR1KaNe's Avatar
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    Sustine Comunitatea WarGods!
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    Lasa'mi nick name-ul tau din joc si parola prin mesaj privat.
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    Last edited by HuR1KaNe; 20-02-2024 at 12:15 AM.

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