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  1. cerere unban TIMISOARA

    Membru junior akka91's Avatar
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    cerere unban TIMISOARA

    Nume: Timisoara
    varsta: 32
    id de steam: Steam_0:1:229726807
    data: 26.11.2023
    ora: 22:45
    harta: -
    admin: -
    motiv: Am dat scan la wargod si mi-a dat ban direct cand era incarcat la 50%
    martori: Assasin (pglarena)
    dovezi: Poza tot lui assasin pe whatsapp
    mentiuni: N-am

  2. cerere unban TIMISOARA

    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    Sustine Comunitatea WarGods!
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    Realizezi ca pot sa vad cine isi modifica unique id, nu?
    ====== MY RULES =====
    • Do not bother me with private messages (including Steam or Facebook) related to WarGods Cheat Defender unless I have specifically asked you to do so. If you have an issue or question, please use the search function first. Only post on the forum if you cannot find anything useful.
    • Always provide the necessary information. Read the request model carefully before posting. Do not write lengthy stories in your post as I don't have time to read them. Just include the required information.
    • Keep in mind this is a free service. I have limited free time and other important priorities. Do not bother me if I haven't replied to your topic within an hour. Only remind me about your topic/PM if I haven't responded within a week. I try to resolve all issues once or twice a week or whenever I am free.

  3. cerere unban TIMISOARA

    Membru junior akka91's Avatar
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    N-am inteles, scuze.

    --------------- Added after 2 minutes ---------------

    Acu am inteles ce ai spus de la Assasin, sunt la un prieten acasa acum , e alt PC
    Last edited by akka91; 26-11-2023 at 11:26 PM.

  4. cerere unban TIMISOARA

    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    Sustine Comunitatea WarGods!
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    N-are nicio legatura.

    Banul tau pe acel cont este din 2021, iar atunci ai fost prins ca ti-ai schimbat manual unique id.

    Si felicitari, l-ai banat indirect si pe el.
    ====== MY RULES =====
    • Do not bother me with private messages (including Steam or Facebook) related to WarGods Cheat Defender unless I have specifically asked you to do so. If you have an issue or question, please use the search function first. Only post on the forum if you cannot find anything useful.
    • Always provide the necessary information. Read the request model carefully before posting. Do not write lengthy stories in your post as I don't have time to read them. Just include the required information.
    • Keep in mind this is a free service. I have limited free time and other important priorities. Do not bother me if I haven't replied to your topic within an hour. Only remind me about your topic/PM if I haven't responded within a week. I try to resolve all issues once or twice a week or whenever I am free.

  5. cerere unban TIMISOARA

    Membru junior akka91's Avatar
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    Manual? Habar nu am sa fac dinastea... Ce e de facut mai departe? Baietii au zis ca pot juca, dar vreau sa le demonstrez totusi si nu intru pana atunci

  6. cerere unban TIMISOARA

    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    Sustine Comunitatea WarGods!
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    Pai noi nu avem nicio legatura cu server-ul unde joci tu, nu este un server wargods. Tu esti banat in serviciul nostru pana la plata taxei de unban sau indeplinirea conditiilor de unban gratuit.
    ====== MY RULES =====
    • Do not bother me with private messages (including Steam or Facebook) related to WarGods Cheat Defender unless I have specifically asked you to do so. If you have an issue or question, please use the search function first. Only post on the forum if you cannot find anything useful.
    • Always provide the necessary information. Read the request model carefully before posting. Do not write lengthy stories in your post as I don't have time to read them. Just include the required information.
    • Keep in mind this is a free service. I have limited free time and other important priorities. Do not bother me if I haven't replied to your topic within an hour. Only remind me about your topic/PM if I haven't responded within a week. I try to resolve all issues once or twice a week or whenever I am free.

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