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Thread: Info ban PusTiu

  1. Info ban PusTiu

    Membru junior lozz91's Avatar
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    Info ban PusTiu

    ULTIMUL ID DE LA RAPORT(OPTIONAL): Nu am putut gasi ultimul raport, deoarece a fost cu mult timp in urma.
    NUME: PusTiu
    IP: 2a02:c7c:c4aa:7b00:98f5:44ed:7ed:f0a7
    ID-URI DE STEAM: Ma joc de pe cs crackat, deci nu am cont de steam de pe care joc.
    DATA SI ORA BAN: Nu stiu, de aproximativ un an cred.
    DATA SI ORA SCANARE: 17.06.2023 18:16:42
    SCREENSHOT (OPTIONAL): You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    MENTIUNI: Cred ca am primit ban cu aproximativ un an in urma, iar cam cu aproximativ o luna sau am observat ca am luat ban. Cand am vazut ca am ban pe wargods, am intrebat adminii de pe serverul pe care am jucat si mi s-a cerut sa fac o scanare, insa acestia nu mi-au raspuns. As vrea sa primesc unban daca se poate, iar daca nu, sa aflu macar de ce am luat ban. Multumesc.
    Last edited by Tiger; 01-07-2023 at 11:45 PM. Reason: tag

  2. Info ban PusTiu

    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    Ai fost prins cu fake wCD (sha256 hash: FB798261CDB2D0EE1BC1B95837C65D7841BD9553F07D3746B3 F98E95D5AF2A21) pe data de 17.05.2022. Trebuia sa mi-l uploadezi atunci pentru analiza... banuiesc ca acum, acel fisier (cu acel hash, duh) nu-l mai ai...
    ====== MY RULES =====
    • Do not bother me with private messages (including Steam or Facebook) related to WarGods Cheat Defender unless I have specifically asked you to do so. If you have an issue or question, please use the search function first. Only post on the forum if you cannot find anything useful.
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    • Keep in mind this is a free service. I have limited free time and other important priorities. Do not bother me if I haven't replied to your topic within an hour. Only remind me about your topic/PM if I haven't responded within a week. I try to resolve all issues once or twice a week or whenever I am free.

  3. Info ban PusTiu

    Membru junior lozz91's Avatar
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    scuze. nu prea ma pricep despre ce e vorba doar ce am dat download wargods si atata tot. ce pot sa fac in situatia asta?

  4. Info ban PusTiu

    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    Dat prin faptul ca nu ai raportat la timp posibila problema si cel mai probabil nici nu ai acel fisier (cu acel sha256 hash), doar sa platesti taxa de unban de grad 5.
    ====== MY RULES =====
    • Do not bother me with private messages (including Steam or Facebook) related to WarGods Cheat Defender unless I have specifically asked you to do so. If you have an issue or question, please use the search function first. Only post on the forum if you cannot find anything useful.
    • Always provide the necessary information. Read the request model carefully before posting. Do not write lengthy stories in your post as I don't have time to read them. Just include the required information.
    • Keep in mind this is a free service. I have limited free time and other important priorities. Do not bother me if I haven't replied to your topic within an hour. Only remind me about your topic/PM if I haven't responded within a week. I try to resolve all issues once or twice a week or whenever I am free.

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