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  1. Concurs - Admine Gratis!

    Membru - Silver I rZLe's Avatar
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    Multam bobi

    mKr | rZLe.4FuN aKa TeUrasK!.w0w

  2. Concurs - Admine Gratis!

    Membru - Silver I Doc.'s Avatar
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    Eu propun ca cei ce primesc admin sa aiba acces doar la comanda de voteban,nu la cea de ban permanent. Asta ca o perioada trial,pana ii sortati care raman si care nu.
    Doctoru a.k.a. wLords | RaZvAn

  3. Concurs - Admine Gratis!

    Membru - Silver Elite Master AnOnIm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc. You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Eu propun ca cei ce primesc admin sa aiba acces doar la comanda de voteban,nu la cea de ban permanent. Asta ca o perioada trial,pana ii sortati care raman si care nu.
    E o tampenie , un admin minim trebuie sa aiba inclusa si comanda de ban zic eu. Imi intra unu cu aim pana dau votul se duce dracu si am si frigiderul plin.
    Nu ati inteles o chestie ,cum se acorda un admin se poate lua la fel de usor !
    Tocmai posibilitatea sa-ti implinesti un vis face viata interesanta,si cand tu vrei ceva cu adevarat,tot universul conspira la realizarea dorintei tale.

  4. Concurs - Admine Gratis!

    Membru - Silver Elite _TeIubescK_'s Avatar
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    TeIubescK - slot

  5. Concurs - Admine Gratis!

    Membru - Silver III bobby_maryan(kbytza)'s Avatar
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    pro si pt teiubesc!

  6. Concurs - Admine Gratis!

    Membru - Silver Elite _TeIubescK_'s Avatar
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    Multumesc bobby

  7. Concurs - Admine Gratis!

    Membru - Silver II GyMy's Avatar
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    Pro GrEeN ;x !

  8. Concurs - Admine Gratis!

    Membru - Silver III bobby_maryan(kbytza)'s Avatar
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    Va salut!......de ce nu sunt deacord ca "slotul" Pitiku sa participe la acest concurs!........Mapa: "fy_dust",martori: green,jewel....si print consola:....."*DEAD* Pitiku : croco presimt ca o sa iei bataie nush dc

    *DEAD* (Croco) : taci drq ma

    Oferim Sloturi gratuit pe baza de cerere! detalii pe You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! !
    *DEAD* GrEeN ;x : cn esti croco

    *DEAD* Pitiku : sa vezi ce iti face gogaie

    *DEAD* Pitiku : e un lindic ma

    *DEAD* (Croco) : daaa

    *DEAD* GrEeN ;x : cn?
    *DEAD* (Croco) : asa sai zici lu ... nu mie

    *DEAD* *SHANGHAI* : dute ba

    Adaugati Cs.WarGods.ro la favorite! IP:
    Acceptam Servere in Comunitate! Oferta unica! detalii pe You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! !
    ^PSG^ IBra killed Robyyy10 with m4a1
    [WarGods PTB] Runda s-a terminat, verific echipele
    ^PSG^ IBra killed (Croco) with m4a1
    Jewel killed Pitiku with awp
    Pitiku : ba kktule

    Pitiku : tineti drq gura

    (Croco) : bitane

    GrEeN ;x : cn e m,a?
    ] amx_gag croc 30 shhh
    ^PSG^ IBra double killing
    [G]*DEAD*(Croco) : /rs
    *** GrEeN ;x killed wGods | bobitza with a headshot from ak47 ***
    [G]*DEAD*Robyyy10 : bha duteee
    [G]*DEAD*Pitiku : e un bitan de 10 ani ma
    Jewel killed GrEeN ;x with awp
    [G]*DEAD*Pitiku : /rs
    [ADMIN] wGods | bobitza: a dat Gag jucatorului (Croco) pentru [30] minut(e). Motiv: shhh
    *SHANGHAI* killed ^PSG^ IBra with awp
    ] amx_gag pit 30 shhht
    GrEeN ;x headshot killed wGods | bobitza with ak47
    * Killed by GrEeN ;x with ak47 @ 11.m (100hp, 0ap) >> head: 1
    * You hit GrEeN ;x 0 time(s), 0 damage >> no hits
    *DEAD* Pitiku : ms bobi

    [ADMIN] wGods | bobitza: a dat Gag jucatorului Pitiku pentru [30] minut(e). Motiv: shhht
    Jewel killed *SHANGHAI* with awp
    *DEAD* GrEeN ;x : )))

    *DEAD* Robyyy10 : =]]

    *DEAD* GrEeN ;x :

    *DEAD* GrEeN ;x : aoleeu

    (Croco) dropped
    (Croco) has left the game
    [WarGods Gag] Jucatorul cu gag (Croco) [IP:] a parasit serverul!
    wGods | bobitza : dak o mai ardeti asa va dau ban 120

    Jewel's killing spree was ended by *SHANGHAI*
    Vizitati You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! [Regulament-Discutii-Admine-Unban-Reclamatii]
    [Admin Chat] GrEeN ;x : mai vrea si admin
    *SHANGHAI* headshot killed wGods | bobitza with ak47
    GrEeN ;x killed ^PSG^ IBra with ak47
    Pok dropped
    wGods | bobitza : poi deasta si zic

    Pitiku killed MIKE with ak47
    [G]*DEAD*^PSG^ IBra : /rs
    [G]*DEAD*GrEeN ;x : doamneee
    *** *SHANGHAI* killed wGods | bobitza with a headshot from ak47 ***
    [G]*DEAD*GrEeN ;x : /rs
    wGods | bobitza : o sa iei u admin piticule cand mi-oi vedea eu ceafa

    [G]*DEAD*Jewel : hihih
    *SHANGHAI* headshot killed wGods | bobitza with ak47
    * Killed by *SHANGHAI* with ak47 @ 1.m (4hp, 50ap) >> head: 1 leftarm: 1
    Pok is joining the Terrorist force
    * You hit *SHANGHAI* 6 time(s), 96 damage >> chest: 3 leftarm: 3
    GrEeN ;x killed MIKE with ak47
    GrEeN ;x killed wGods | bobitza with ak47
    [Admin Chat] Pitiku : nici numi trb
    [WarGods PTB] Runda s-a terminat, verific echipele
    [Admin Chat] Pitiku : lu ala ii dai gag 5 min si mie 30 bine ma oricum nu te suport ca adminWarGods Gag] Jucatorul cu gag Pitiku [IP:] a parasit serverul!
    [G]*DEAD*^PSG^ IBra : /rs
    Concurs cu Admine GRATIS! Inscrie-te pe You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Pitiku has joined the game
    wGods | bobitza : v-am dat la amandoi la fel 30

    ] amx_kick pit
    [G]*DEAD*Pitiku : /rs
    [AMXX] Client "Pitiku" kickedAdmin Chat] GrEeN ;x : a dat tretry
    [G]*DEAD*Jewel : frateste
    [Admin Chat] Pitiku : se da 5 sau 3 min nu 30
    ADMIN wGods | bobitza: kick Pitiku
    Adaugati Cs.WarGods.ro la favorite! IP:
    wGods | bobitza : u ai facut recidiva

    Pitiku headshot killed ^PSG^ IBra with ak47
    Pok headshot killed MIKE with m4a1
    Pok double killing
    wGods | bobitza : este ultimul avertisment
    ] amx_kick pit
    [AMXX] Client "Pitiku" kicked
    Pitiku has left the game
    * Killed by Pitiku with ak47 @ 8.m (100hp, 0ap) >> head: 1
    * You hit Pitiku 0 time(s), 0 damage >> no hits
    *DEAD* wGods | bobitza : iti dau ban 120 sa te klm

    Jewel headshot killed GrEeN ;x with m4a1
    ADMIN wGods | bobitza: kick Pitiku
    Adaugati Cs.WarGods.ro la favorite! IP:
    Pitiku connected
    * Password accepted
    * Privileges set
    Acceptam Servere in Comunitate! Oferta unica! detalii pe You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! !
    [Admin Chat] GrEeN ;x : stiam k la retry asa era
    Pitiku is joining the Terrorist force] amx_kick pit
    [AMXX] Client "Pitiku" kicked
    Pitiku has left the game
    *DEAD* Pok : /top15

    [WarGods PTB] Runda s-a terminat, verific echipele
    GrEeN ;x killed Pok with ak47
    [WarGods PTB] Transfer pe Jewel la Ts
    Pitiku connected
    MIKE died
    MIKE is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
    *DEAD* Pitiku : oricum nu te suport ca admin

    [WarGods PTB] Runda s-a terminat, verific echipele
    *DEAD* MIKE : /rs amx_banip pit 120 retry+retry dupa gag
    [AMXBans] Player is already banned.
    [G]*ALIVE*Pitiku : ?
    ] amx_banip pit 120 retry+retry dupa gag
    [AMXBans] Player is already banned.
    Vizitati You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! [Regulament-Discutii-Admine-Unban-Reclamatii]
    [G]*ALIVE*GrEeN ;x : mai vrei si admin ma:-j
    Pok killed Pitiku with m4a1
    *DEAD* MIKE : /rs"

  9. Concurs - Admine Gratis!

    Membru - Silver III green2's Avatar
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    Asa e...dupa cum zice bobytza...nici eu nu-s de acord cu participarea lui Pitiku la concurs...motivele evidente mai sus !

  10. Concurs - Admine Gratis!

    Banned pitiku's Avatar
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    Mda nu stiti toata povestea pentru ca nu erati de fata pe mapa awp_cuba cand acest (Croco) s-a luat de *Ucigatoru* si i-am zis sa lase limbaj . Apoi a inceput sa ma injure pe mine . Oke , oricum bobita nu ma suporta , daia face totul numai sa nu iau admin , pentru ca m-am luat de un prieten de-al lui . Si de atunci face tot posibilul sa nu iau admin . Oricum nu ii port pica . Si pe fy_dust i-am zis ,, Presimt ca o sa iei bataie " , pentru ca il cunosc pe (Croco) .
    Respect . Pacat ca nu am facut print pe awp_cuba sa va atat de ce i-am spus acele cuvinte si pe fy_dust .
    Ps : Green nu te baga daca nu sti povestea [/B][/B]

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