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  1. Boost Furien.WarGods.ro!

    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    Boost Furien.WarGods.ro!

    Pentru popularea serverelor vom folosi servicii de Boosting prin SMS, le voi prezenta in ordinea eficientei.
    Boostingul inseamna popularea serverului prin adaugarea lui in anumite liste, fie ele liste de internet fie liste zonale.
    Ideea de baza este ca aceste servicii baga lume pe server prin simpla trimitere a unui SMS!

    1. Boost de la GameTracker.rs
    Se trimite SMS la numarul 1235 cu textul:
    TXT GTRS Numele

    Exemplu: TXT GTRS Tiger
    Costul unui SMS: 1 Euro
    Durabilitate: 4-8 ore
    Serviciu disponibil in urmatoarele tari:

    La aproximativ 5 minute dupa ce a fost trimis SMSul incepe sa intre lume pe server
    Se recomanda trimiterea a 2-3 sms-uri pe zi!
    Site: You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

    2. Boost de la CS-BOOST.com
    * Nu dati boost de la GTRS avem adresa IP BANATA ! *

    GameTracker - NU DATI BOOST AICI

    Se trimite SMS la numarul 1270 cu textul:

    Exemplu: TXT CSBOOST
    Costul unui SMS: 2 Euro+TVA (2,48 Euro)
    Durabilitate: 6-7 Ore!
    Serviciu disponibil in urmatoarele tari:

    La aproximativ 10 minute dupa ce a fost trimis SMSul incepe sa intre lume pe server!
    Se recomanda trimiterea a 2-3 sms-uri pe zi!
    Site: You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

    Dupa trimiterea unui SMS lasati reply aici cu data, ora, serviciul si Nickul sa stim cand trebuie dat urmatorul SMS!

    Topic preluat si prelucrat dupa topicul creat de -=MaX=- de pe Zombie.WarGods.ro!
    Last edited by RaZz0R; 09-07-2015 at 02:56 PM.

  2. Boost Furien.WarGods.ro!

    Membru - Gold Nova I AnGeL | Pro (W_^)'s Avatar
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    Boost GameTracker.rs 14.02.2013 ora 8:20

  3. Boost Furien.WarGods.ro!

    Membru - Gold Nova I C@mp3R's Avatar
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    Boost de la GT.RS 15.02.2013. 15:39 Bez potpisa(C@mp3R ,nu imi intra Numele)
    BOOST de la Gt.Rs 06/03/2013 17:33 In romania C@mp3R
    BOOST de la Gt.Rs 15/03/2013 17:55 In romania C@mp3R
    BOOST de la Gt.Rs 08/04/2013 17:57 In romania C@mp3R
    Boost Gt.rs 29/04/2013 ora 17:25 IT C@mp3R
    Boost Gt.rs 14/05/2013 ora 16:18 IT C@mp3R
    Boost Gt.rs 07/10/2013 ora 16:28 IT C@mp3R
    Boost Gt.rs 04/11/2013 ora 14:51 IT C@mp3R
    Boost gt/rs 14/12/2013 ora 10:55 it plata prin paypal
    Last edited by C@mp3R; 14-12-2013 at 11:55 AM.
    C@mp3R is here!

  4. Boost Furien.WarGods.ro!

    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    Capi a dat un boost:
    Boost GameTracker.rs 15.02.2013 ora 19:05

    Boosturi date de mine:
    Boost GameTracker.rs 11.02.2013 ora 16:23
    Boost GameTracker.rs 18.02.2013 ora 18:54
    Boost GameTracker.rs 20.03.2013 ora 18:52
    Boost GameTracker.rs 22.03.2013 ora 09:04
    Last edited by Tiger; 23-03-2013 at 10:14 AM.

  5. Boost Furien.WarGods.ro!

    Membru - Gold Nova I AnGeL | Pro (W_^)'s Avatar
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    Boost GameTracker.rs 16.02.2013 ora 4:45

  6. Boost Furien.WarGods.ro!

    Membru - Gold Nova I AnGeL | Pro (W_^)'s Avatar
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    Boost de la GameTracker.rs 23.02.2013 ora 4:53

  7. Boost Furien.WarGods.ro!

    Membru - Silver I ExTazZy96's Avatar
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    Boost de la GTRS 23.03.2013 10:10

  8. Boost Furien.WarGods.ro!

    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    Boost de la GTRS 24.03.2013 ora 08.40
    Boost de la GTRS 30.03.2013 ora 07.45
    Boost de la GTRS 07.04.2013 ora 12.05
    Last edited by Tiger; 07-04-2013 at 12:11 PM.

  9. Boost Furien.WarGods.ro!

    dimahangan's Avatar
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    Boost de la CS-BOOST 12.05.2013 15:25

  10. Boost Furien.WarGods.ro!

    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dimahangan You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Boost de la CS-BOOST 12.05.2013 15:25
    Vezi ca suntem in luna 6, nu a 5-a. Esti sigur ca ai scris numarul corect si ip-ul server-ului corect? In lista lor nu apare boostat furien-ul.

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