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  1. Adaugare plugin amx_demo

    Membru - Silver III -=yNt=-'s Avatar
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    Adaugare plugin amx_demo

    1.Nume: Amx_Demo

    2.Descriere: Cu acest plugin veti putea face demo jucatorilor prin simpla comanda amx_demo player si o terminati prin amx_stopdemo.
    La cei cu imunitate nu veti putea folosi comanda.

    Demo-ul se salveaza in PC-ului jucatorului caruia ia-ti facut demo.

    3.Descarcare :You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

    4.Instalare: (cum instalam pluginul respectiv)
    5. Fisierul plugin.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins
    6. Intrati in fisierul addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini si adaugati la urma linia

    Last edited by -=yNt=-; 27-01-2013 at 06:59 PM.

  2. Adaugare plugin amx_demo

    Liniste's Avatar
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    Sustine Comunitatea WarGods!
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    Si ce rost are acest plugin ? Daca joci cu wall si pornesti demo cand il vizualizezi nu se vede wall in demo Incearca sa bagi wall si fa-ti demo dupa ce il opesti si dai playdemo nume ai sa ai surpriza sa nu se vada wallu
    Liniste ;x <3 VaNilla ;x

  3. Adaugare plugin amx_demo

    Membru - Silver Elite Master Shell's Avatar
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    Eu sunt de parere ca unui jucator care are cod ii faci poze [in caz de wall] sau ii faci demo punandu-te spec [in caz de aim]
    Shell << WarGods Community >>

    Nu trebuie sa fi un om obisnuit pentru ca ai dreptul sa fie extraordinar

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