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  1. Cerere Helper ~ _AlliHell_

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    Cerere Helper ~ _AlliHell_

    Nick(numele pe care il folosesti pe server): _AlliHell_
    Varsta: 14
    Grad-ul pe care il doresti: Helper
    Orele jucate pe server(pentru a afla cate ore ai pe server foloseste comanda [/ore] cand esti in joc): 15
    De ce doresti acest grad: Pentru a ajuta serverul in toate metodele pe care mi-le pot permite, dar de a si ajuta playerii cu nevoile lor indatorate gradului. Daca este nevoie, sa raportez Membrii Staff care nu respecta regulile precizate in regulamentul nostru.
    O metoda de contact (facebook/email/discord): {?}
    Cand joci pe server(ex: dimineata, seara, dupa-amiaza): Zilnic: Seara
    Ai citit regulamentul?: Da, l-am citit si memorat, dar stiu 95% din regulile de baza si plugining pentru server avand experienta si propriul meu server care numai e.
    Cuvantul cheie: Cцvaит cнёїє мaїмцтaґєala
    Descrie-te in cateva cuvinte: Sunt o persoana de treaba, ma consider matur si capabil de anumite lucruri, sunt pasionat in tot ce tine de Design si Arta, avand gradul de Designer pe forumul WarGods.
    Reclama: Designuri pentru server.
    Mentiuni: Nu am mentiuni, dar tin sa mentionez ca ma voi tine de meserie.
    Last edited by {???}; 22-04-2019 at 07:36 PM.

  2. Cerere Helper ~ _AlliHell_

    Banned Blue01's Avatar
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    varsta si nick-ul mi le lasi mie?

  3. Cerere Helper ~ _AlliHell_

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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue01 You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    varsta si nick-ul mi le lasi mie?
    Jur ca am pus, e forumu' beat

  4. Cerere Helper ~ _AlliHell_

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    Quote Originally Posted by {???} You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Jur ca am pus, e forumu' beat
    Fix forum-ul e de vina,

  5. Cerere Helper ~ _AlliHell_

    Membru - Silver Elite Master Smotocel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by {???} You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Nick(numele pe care il folosesti pe server): {???}
    Maybe you should go and edit this?
    Like Blue01 a dat Like acetui post

  6. Cerere Helper ~ _AlliHell_

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    Nu puteati sa dati edit,voi trebuie sa dati inca un reply


    Ay Pierre , you wanna come out here?

  7. Cerere Helper ~ _AlliHell_

    Membru - Silver I YzRaul's Avatar
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    Hmmm.....ti-as da un .....da iti dau
    Imi pare sincer rau
    Dislike Blue01 a dat Dislike acetui post

  8. Cerere Helper ~ _AlliHell_

    Membru - Gold Nova II {???}'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YzRaul You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Hmmm.....ti-as da un .....da iti dau
    Imi pare sincer rau
    Pentru ce motiv?

  9. Cerere Helper ~ _AlliHell_

    Membru - Gold Nova I Skidrowツ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YzRaul You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Hmmm.....ti-as da un .....da iti dau
    Imi pare sincer rau
    Specifica de ce si adu si o dovada daca a gresit undeva, si mai ales YzRaul, invata sa dai un mute cand trebuie
    , cred ca te vei descurca

    Ce faimă, ce spaimă, o să mă îmbrac în nimeni,
    Cea mai frumoasă haină.

  10. Cerere Helper ~ _AlliHell_

    Banned bennieviz's Avatar
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    Cerere Helper _AlliHell_

    Nick pe server:

    Cea mai mare realizare pe Black.Wargods:

    In ce factiune ai fost ultima data si cat timp ai stat acolo?:

    In ce factiune ai petrecut cel mai mult timp? De ce ai parasit factiunea?:

    De ce crezi ca meriti helper:

    Cate ore acorzi pe zi acestui joc?:

    Ce ai de gand sa faci daca obtii functia de helper?:

    Cu ce esti diferit fata de alti playeri?:

    Ai fost banat vreodata pe black.wargods? Daca da, specifica toate banurile:

    Ai primit vreodata warn sau jail? Daca da, de ce?:

    Varsta reala:

    Ce alte jocuri joci?:

    De ce iti place sa joci samp?:

    Ce vei face dupa terminarea liceului?:

    Daca un player te intreaba cum face skill la rob, ce ii raspunzi?:

    Daca un player intreaba cum face sa-si ia job-ul de Trucker, ce ii raspunzi?:

    Daca un player intreaba cum aplica in factiune, ce ii raspunzi ?:

    --------------- Added after 12 minutes ---------------

    Pentru a aplica,postati un nou thread in Cereri Helper cu modelul de nume "Cerere helper IonutTC.",cine nu va respecta modelul de nume,va fi respins instant fara a-i acorda o sansa la helper.

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