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Thread: Reclamatie!

  1. Reclamatie!

    Membru - Silver III tiliean's Avatar
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    Adminul luys mi-a dat ban de ce credeti ca mia dat ban !
    ca scriam asa : [WallHack v1.1.6b] - Activated ! )))))
    Si imi da ban cu motiv WAll
    fara poze
    Sami ziceti daca am gresit cu ceva
    nick Csk-Emy***

  2. Reclamatie!

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    mda.... nu am fost pe server ca sa vad, dar am vazut si in alte zile atunci cand ai scris aia!... totusi, dc nu poti sa stai linistit?

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    Membru - Silver Elite Master AnOnIm's Avatar
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    Daca te mananca eu ce sa-ti fac...
    Scoate-i unu' banul .
    Luys frate,inainte verifica nu da ban direct !
    Tocmai posibilitatea sa-ti implinesti un vis face viata interesanta,si cand tu vrei ceva cu adevarat,tot universul conspira la realizarea dorintei tale.

  4. Reclamatie!

    Membru - Gold Nova III WarGods | AbySs's Avatar
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    Csk-Emy*** lasa ip aici si iti scot eu banul . Si termina cu prostiile astea.

    If i would have this place and hell, i would rent this place and live in hell.

  5. Reclamatie!

    Membru - Gold Nova I luys's Avatar
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    tu ma crezi prost?? am facut poza cand ai apasat si au fost multi playeri ce au zis ca ai wal!
    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

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    Administrator -=MaX=-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by luys You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    tu ma crezi prost?? am facut poza cand ai apasat si au fost multi playeri ce au zis ca ai wal!
    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Luys nu te supara, dar in Regulament nu scrie ca daca urla 5 pe server ca cineva are wall tu sa ii dai ban!!!
    Indiferent de situatie ii faci demo sau poze ca de-aia esti admin! Sa nu mai vad greseli de-astea!

  7. Reclamatie!

    Membru - Silver Elite -DarKmonT-'s Avatar
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    nu vreau sa fac observatii dar trebuia sa ii faci un demo macar sau o poza ... nu o poza cu ce a zis ...ci cu ce a facut ... ca pot si eu sa-mi fac un bind "t" "say Aim+Speed [Hack] oN" si pot si eu sa iau ban degeaba ... trebuie sa fii subtil ... sa stai spectator pe el dupa ce zice acele cuvinte si sa vezi daca trage numai in cap sau prin perete ... daca da scrii "record emycod" in consola , te duci in "cstrike" si uploadezi demo-ul pe filebox.ro sau megaupload.com dau si eu exemple ... si postezi link-ul pe forum...
    QQ-Just kill Fritz.
    QQ-Fritz is right behind you.

    Try to stop one minute and ask yourself : Brain and Hearth or Muscles and Money ?

  8. Reclamatie!

    Banned wLady | -=Giulia=-'s Avatar
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    Dar pot sa stiu motivul pentru care scriai "[WallHack v1.1.6b] - Activated !" ?
    Daca e pentru caterinca, noroc bun cu banul, trebuie sa respecti atat adminii cat si playerii, luarea "peste picior" a unui admin se sanctioneaza! Adminii nu sunt marionetele nimanui, in timpul in care tu te joci de-a codatul, adminul respectiv poate urmari pe un alt suspect, nu vad de ce si-ar pierde timpul cu tine...
    Un ban pe 2 zile e binevenit, data viitoare vezi-ti de joc si lasa caterinca, ca nu e nimeni "prostul tau"!

  9. Reclamatie!

    Membru - Gold Nova I luys's Avatar
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    ok am inteles!

  10. Reclamatie!

    Membru - Gold Nova I luys's Avatar
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    si eu cred ca nu a scris el eu cred ca si la activat walu dar in fine !

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