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  1. In Privinta Parteneriatului WWW.4EN3RGY.COM !

    Membru - Silver I 4en3rgY's Avatar
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    Sustine Comunitatea WarGods!
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    In Privinta Parteneriatului WWW.4EN3RGY.COM !

    Rog sa fie modificat minibanerul nostru deoarece cind dau CLIC pe minibaner ma redirectioneaza direct aici You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

    Probabil aveti o eroare undeva.
    Aveti 48h sa remediati aceasta problema in caz contrar Parteneriatele se Intrerup !

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    O Zi Frumoasa.
    Cu Stima Echipa 4en3rgY !

  2. In Privinta Parteneriatului WWW.4EN3RGY.COM !

    VIP ~TraNda~'s Avatar
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    Sustine Comunitatea WarGods!
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    Daca astepti alea 5 secunde ai dai pe "SARI PESTE"

    Te directioneaza catre forumul 4en3rgY

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Poti dona pentru gradul de VIP pe forum si vei scapa de reclame. Toti cei care au VIP pe forum nu vor vedea reclame.
    S-a introdus aceasta metoda de a face putini banuti.
    Last edited by ~TraNda~; 27-02-2019 at 04:17 PM.

    TraNda - WarGods | R.R.M - AngeL - LiOn. - pichacku - Jok3r - UnicA

    P A C E

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    Like k1dda, Blue01 a dat Like acetui post
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  3. In Privinta Parteneriatului WWW.4EN3RGY.COM !

    Membru - Silver I 4en3rgY's Avatar
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    Sustine Comunitatea WarGods!
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    Pai nu este corect asa. La noi se directioneaza automat catre Forumul dumnevoastra...
    Ce fel de Parteneriat mai este si acesta nu integ ?
    La inceput cind am incheeat acest parteneriat asa ceva nu era.

    PS. Pe minibanerul vostru cind dau CLIC ma directioneaza normal la voi in comunitate ....
    Dislike Blue01 a dat Dislike acetui post

  4. In Privinta Parteneriatului WWW.4EN3RGY.COM !

    VIP ~TraNda~'s Avatar
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    Sustine Comunitatea WarGods!
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4en3rgY You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Pai nu este corect asa. La noi se directioneaza automat catre Forumul dumnevoastra...
    Ce fel de Parteneriat mai este si acesta nu integ ?
    La inceput cind am incheeat acest parteneriat asa ceva nu era.

    PS. Pe minibanerul vostru cind dau CLIC ma directioneaza normal la voi in comunitate ....
    Pe orice minibanner sau link de pe forum dai click (la noi) prima oara te duci pe ad.fly, astepti 5 secunde si gata.
    Ti-am explicat, este o metoda de a mai scoate bani pentru webhost.

    TraNda - WarGods | R.R.M - AngeL - LiOn. - pichacku - Jok3r - UnicA

    P A C E

    DISCORD: unknown.cfg

    Like Blue01 a dat Like acetui post

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