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Thread: unban AlpHaa

  1. unban AlpHaa

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    unban AlpHaa

    ==== WarGods Community AMXBAN ===[*] Server: Furien.WarGods.ro # CAUTAM ADMINI![*] Map: fy_snow[*] Admin: Dracusorul [*] Your name: AlpHaa[*] Your IP:[*] Your AuthID: STEAM_0:1:30851169[*] Ban Reason: no.wcd[*] Ban Minutes: 10000 minutes[*] Time/Data: 16:22:17 <> 31/05/2018[*] Website: You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    ======= WARGODS COMMUNITY =======
    Kicked by Console: "Banned! Check your console!"
    Kicked :"Banned! Check your console!"

    WCD: You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

    mentionez ca nu stie sa dea ban permanent.

  2. unban AlpHaa

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    Nu e treaba mea aici , dar nu pot sa nu las reply ,cand vad lipsa de informatie ...
    ...mentiune gresita...stie sa dea ban permanent dar te-a iertat de ban permanent ,pentru refuz wcd se da ban 3 mii - 5 mii minute ,el a considerat ca ai meritat de 10 mii

    \ban ai luat la orele 16 si ceva si wcd a fost inregistrat la 23 :21 ..zi tu cum e?
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  3. unban AlpHaa

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  4. unban AlpHaa

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    Ban ul pentru refuzul wCD este intre 1200 - 10.000 de minute, tu ai luat ban 10.000, adica 6 zile.
    Orele nu corespund, dupa cum a spus mai sus si KGB, ban ul ramane pana la expirarea acestuia.

    „Nu există decât înainte sau sus”



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