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Thread: Cerere Slot Ulq

  1. Cerere Slot Ulq

    Membru - Gold Nova I Ulquiorra's Avatar
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    Cerere Slot Ulq

    GRADUL: Slot

    NICK: JLR <|UlquiorraRo|>

    VARSTA: 15

    STEAM ID: Cont principal : STEAM_0:1:205160804 ; Cont secundar : STEAM_0:1:219942798

    EXPERIENTA: Destula,fiind si profesor la Scoala Wargods.

    TIMP JUCAT: Ambele conturi : You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    ;You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

    PERIOADA: Avand in vedere ca sunt dupa amiaza.Pot sa joc doar seara,dimineata ,dar si in weekend.Daca scap mai rapid,o sa vad cu ce ma pot ocupa.

    MOTIV: In primul rand,curatarea adminilor care nu știu o boaba de adminare,am vazut ca server-ul are nevoie de o mana de ajutor.In al doilea rand nume rezervat.

    PROMOVARE: Reclama pe site-uri romanesti/Grupuri de facebook/Pe alte servere/ O sa dau si boost-uri in viitor.

    CONTACT: You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

    CUVANTUL CHEIE: "Si ca o paranteza cuv4ntuL chei3 este gungame2"
    Last edited by Ulquiorra; 18-02-2018 at 04:07 AM. Reason: Motiv exprimat gresit.

  2. Cerere Slot Ulq

    VIP wGods | Toxic's Avatar
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  3. Cerere Slot Ulq

    VIP Gabriel_'s Avatar
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  4. Cerere Slot Ulq

    Membru - Silver Elite Ubaka's Avatar
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    Desi esti un admin bun, nimanui nu ii plac arogantele. In rest slot

    EDIT: Nu uita sa postezi dovada reclama.
    Last edited by Ubaka; 18-02-2018 at 02:23 PM.

  5. Cerere Slot Ulq

    ~Wolf~'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ubaka You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Desi esti un admin bun, nimanui nu ii plac arogantele. In rest slot

    EDIT: Nu uita sa postezi dovada reclama.
    Nu e arogant, se rezuma strict la regulament.

    , succes.
    Tutoriale C++: CLICK AICI

  6. Cerere Slot Ulq

    Membru - Gold Nova III dcdaifa's Avatar
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    Razi cand esti suparata, Zambeste cand esti enervata, Trezeste-te zambind dimineata, Mai pe scurt... Traieste-ti viata


  7. Cerere Slot Ulq

    Membru - Silver Elite Ubaka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WarGods | Wolf You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Nu e arogant, se rezuma strict la regulament.

    , succes.
    Mi am exprimat doar o opinie

  8. Cerere Slot Ulq

    Super Moderator -WickedSick-'s Avatar
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    Let Me In

    Ce cautam:
    • scripteri - cs 1.6 / css (csgo) / samp / minecraft / metin2
    • bloggeri & posteri
    • designeri

    Ce oferim:
    • grad in comunitate in functie de categoria aleasa (Programator, Blogger/Promovare/Stiri/Echipa Tehnica/Helper, Designer)
    • grad de Moderator pe sectiunea aleasa
    • alte beneficii pentru seriozitate si efortul depus (de exemplu: servere de Counter-Strike 1.6 sau SAMP gratuite)

  9. Cerere Slot Ulq

    Membru - Gold Nova II morPHeus1981's Avatar
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    pentru slot. Cat despre motivul specificat, grija ta trebuie sa fie sa faci ore, cereri de add ban, sa votezi/promovezi serverul, nu adminiii care nu stiu o boaba de adminat. Nu vreau sa fiu rau, dar nimeni nu s-a nascut invatat. Daca nu vor sa invete si sa respecte regulamentul, vor suporta consecintele.
    Thanks Ubaka, Ulquiorra a dat Thanks acetui post
    Like Ubaka, faghy69, wGods | Toxic a dat Like acetui post

  10. Cerere Slot Ulq

    Membru - Silver III faghy69's Avatar
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