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    Manager Server:
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    Propunere exp [RESPINS]

    Descriere: un plugin de experienta cu un hud jos. Sa arate numele jos si "rank". Cum Angel nu mai doreste sa faca competitii cu premii in rankuri si vip, ar putea sa faca cu experienta.
    Iar la fiecare checkpoint trecut sa primesti 1/5/20 exp ( difera de mapa). Sa fie rankuri de exemplu

    1. Level1: Incepator (0/50 exp.)
      Level2: Incepator (0/100 exp.)
      Level3: Incepator (0/200 exp.)
      Level4: Incepator (0/500 exp.)
      Level5: Bhoper (0/1000 exp.)
      Level6: Bhoper (0/1500 exp.)
      Level7: Bhoper (0/2500 exp.)
      Level8: Bhoper (0/3000 exp.)
      Level9: Bhoper (0/4000 exp.)
      Level10: Bhop-er Avansat (0/5000 exp.)
      Level11: Bhop-er Avansat (0/6000 exp.)
      Level12: Bhop-er Avansat (0/7000 exp.)
      Level13: Bhop-er Avansat (0/8000 exp.)
      Level14: Bhop-er Avansat (0/10000 exp.)
      Level15: Strafer (0/12000 exp.)
      Level16: Strafer (0/13500 exp.)
      Level17: Strafer (0/15000 exp.)
      Level18: Strafer (0/17500 exp.)
      Level19: Strafer (0/20000 exp.)
      Level20: Strafer Avansat (0/20000 exp.)
      Level21 :Strafer Avansat (0/20000 exp.)
      Level22: Strafer Avansat (0/20000 exp.)
      Level23: Strafer Avansat (0/20000 exp.)
      Level24: Strafer Avansat (0/80000 exp.)
      Level25: Legend Bhop Master Strafer (0/ infinit exp.)

    Nu cred ca exista un asemenea plugin, dar am facut aici cererea prima data sa vad daca e de acord si serverul cu asa ceva. Ca sa nu fac cerere de plugin, respectivul sa se chinuie sa o faca, iar dupa aceea sa nu se bage.

    Avantaje: Ar atrage jucatorii sa joace mai mult pentru a-si creste rankul. (Eventuale donatii: Achizitionare exp.
    • Achizitionarea experientei sa fie valabila doar pana la nivelul 8, astfel sa nu fie pay to win jocul.
    • 1euro 400 exp
    • 3euro 1500 exp

    Dezavantaje: ~

    OT: Pe mine unul m-ar atrage asa ceva si m-ar motiva sa ma joc ca disperatu' sa ajung primul la rankul maxim. Si...daca nu se adauga pluginul ca nu duce serverul, va rog sa tineti cont de aceasta propunere, astfel incat pe viitor daca se va schimba pe unul mai puternic sa se adauge. Si ar fi frumos si un shop cu iteme gratis pentru fiecare rank:
    shop rankuri:

    Level 1-5( Smoke free)
    Level 5-10( Flash free)
    Level 10-15(He free)
    Level 15-24( Armura +100)
    Level 25(Deagle 7/0 sau 7/35)

    --------------- Added after 11 minutes ---------------

    Am gasit si un plugin asemanator, insa sa se scoata bonusurile acordate fiecarui nivel.

    DeathRun XP & Ranks Mod
    Current Version:

    This plugin has been done to improve and give a new propose to the game.
    If you want use the prefix system and Admin Chat Colors in the server, my advice is use the admin chat colors in the plugin.

    Download and compile locally the plugin from:
    Upload the amxx file to your server (cstrike>addons>amxmodx>plugins).
    Edit the config file and add the plugin (cstrike>addons>amxmodx>configs>plugins.ini).

    AMXX: Version 1.8.1 or above
    AMXX Modules: Cstrike, Fun, Engine, Fakemeta, nVault, ColorChat, and Hamsandwich modules

    XP System - nVault
    Level System - nVault
    Level behind the nick

    scoaterea acestor "features".
    Health Per Level
    Armor Per Level
    Damage Per Level
    Velocity Per Level
    Gravity Per Level

    Staff Tags (compatible with Rank Tags)


    Bonus Cvars: (default 10)

    Staff Tags (compatible with Ranks): (default 1 [ON])

    XP Reward Chat MSG: (default 1 [ON])

    Add & Remove XP: (console)
    dr_give_xp <nick, #userid, authid | @all> <xp>
    dr_remove_xp <nick, #userid, authid | @all> <xp>

    Personal Info: (chat)

    Ex1ne - XP System & Level System
    matsi - Observations and optimizations
    tre3fla - Suggestion and Request post
    ConnorMcLeod - Suggestions, SayTxt & AdminChatColors Code
    xBatista - ShowHud Help
    Updates Log:
    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    - Minor Update
    collor chat.inc You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    deathrun_xp sma You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    deathrun_xp amx You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Last edited by ~TraNda~; 07-08-2017 at 04:17 PM.
    Contact: dizdani#2590
    Clan contact: https://discord.gg/8g6kkJx

    Detalii caracter.
    • Nick: Chancro
    • Clan: MOD#>>
    • Mapa favorită: deathrun_unreal

  2. Propunere exp [RESPINS]

    Membru - Silver Elite Master AmigoQuantikGames's Avatar
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    ar fi cv interesant

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    Asta ar aduce doar ingreunarea server-ului, dupa ce ca este lag .
    „Nu există decât înainte sau sus”



  4. Propunere exp [RESPINS]

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    Quote Originally Posted by « Spike « You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Asta ar aduce doar ingreunarea server-ului, dupa ce ca este lag .

    Let Me In

    Ce cautam:
    • scripteri - cs 1.6 / css (csgo) / samp / minecraft / metin2
    • bloggeri & posteri
    • designeri

    Ce oferim:
    • grad in comunitate in functie de categoria aleasa (Programator, Blogger/Promovare/Stiri/Echipa Tehnica/Helper, Designer)
    • grad de Moderator pe sectiunea aleasa
    • alte beneficii pentru seriozitate si efortul depus (de exemplu: servere de Counter-Strike 1.6 sau SAMP gratuite)

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    Membru - Gold Nova III Denisucu's Avatar
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    motiv mai sus.

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    Membru - Silver III iPa1n's Avatar
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    Membru - Gold Nova I Ulquiorra's Avatar
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    lagg-ul oricum este o problema,mai bine nu il ingreunam

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    Membru - Silver Elite TheBlack[G]'s Avatar
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    Membru - Silver Elite Master crisulikk's Avatar
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    Interesantă propunere. Problema des întâlnită este data de lag-ul de pe server,asa ceva cum spune si Wick nu ar face deloc bine... Asa că răspunsul va fii
    dRw # RACe

    Modelul nou de baiat-baiat pare fata
    Modelul nou de fata s-ar putea sa-l bata.

    Pentru doamne, un mare buchet de flori
    Domnilor, pentru voi, doamnele cu tot cu flori
    Toate paharele sus, ca au rolul lor
    Jumate’ gol pentru trecut, unu’ plin pentru viitor

  10. Propunere exp [RESPINS]

    Membru - Silver Elite AlaMicu''s Avatar
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    la starea actuala a server-ului nu cred ca e o idee buna...

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    Respectă şi vei fi respectat !

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