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  1. Propunere 24 ( Private chat) [RESPINS]

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    Propunere 24 ( Private chat) [RESPINS]

    Amx PM Author: Sonic7145 | alliedmods net
    Version 1.3

    v3x for helping me with the access.
    Jrdn44053 for help with the strtok commands, and various other bits of code.

    This plugin somewhat resembles amx_psay. However, this command can be used by anyone, outside of the console. and allows players to send private messages to other players in-game.
    Does not allow dead to alive chat, and logs all PMs so they are viewable in your log directory - a file entitled "pms.log". New in version 1.3, is a bug fix which would require correct capitalization of the target, which is no longer needed. Also, players are able to leave messages for the admin, even if an admin is not online!

    In console:
    amx_pm <playerName> "<message>"
    The message must be in quotation marks or it'll only send the first word.

    Regular chat:
    /pm <Playername> <Message> - sends a private message to a player.
    No quotes required.

    /msgadmin <Message> - sends a message to the server admin, which is stored in a file so the admins can check their messages.
    No quotes required.

    3) Admins, to check the log files, simply go to your log folder in your AMXx directory.

    Known Problems
    -Typing just "/pm" sends a blank message to yourself.

    Things to add
    -Perhaps allow admins to see the messages in-game.
    -Make the messages different-colored.

    - /pm can now be used to send messages without opening console. See usage.

    1. Mesaje private catre un alt jucator, fara ca altcineva de pe server sa le vada.
    2. Mesajele se salveaza din cate am inteles.
    3. Poti trimite mesaje adminilor care nu sunt online.
    Dezavantaje: Poti trimite daca esti viu, doar celor vii, iar daca esti mort, doar celor *****(gg forum celor morți).

    Download link amx : You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Download link sma : You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Last edited by ~TraNda~; 01-08-2017 at 03:29 PM.
    Contact: dizdani#2590
    Clan contact: https://discord.gg/8g6kkJx

    Detalii caracter.
    • Nick: Chancro
    • Clan: MOD#>>
    • Mapa favorită: deathrun_unreal

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  2. Propunere 24 ( Private chat) [RESPINS]

    Moderator -=Christian=-'s Avatar
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    Nu stiu cat de folositor ar putea fii, pentru a trimite un mesaj unui jucator poti folosii amx_psay (fara ca altcineva sa le vada) .
    Nu cred ca ar avea de ce sa ii dea mesaj unui admin care nu este pe server, exista comanda /contact (Pentru a afla contactul owner-ului) .
    Eu unul zic ca este destul .
    „Nu există decât înainte sau sus”



  3. Propunere 24 ( Private chat) [RESPINS]

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    e o propunere bună, mă gândeam de mult la chestia asta. Astfel jucătorii v-or putea comunica intre ei fără ca ceilalți să vadă conversația lor.

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  4. Propunere 24 ( Private chat) [RESPINS]

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    Nu stiu cat de folositor ar putea fii, pentru a trimite un mesaj unui jucator poti folosii amx_psay (fara ca altcineva sa le vada) .
    Pentru a folosii acea comanda ai nevoie de un flag. Pentru pluginul propus de mine, nu. Oricine poate folosii comanda.

    Ma refeream la ceea ce ai spus tu, admin-ul poate folosii comanda amx_psay pentru a trimite un mesaj privat unui jucator fara ca altcineva sa vada mesaj-ul .
    Ah, da.. dar jucatorul nu-i poate raspunde in mod privat decat prin intermediul u@. Dar vad si alti admini.
    Si nu m-am referit strict la admini.
    Last edited by dizdani; 31-07-2017 at 04:13 PM.
    Contact: dizdani#2590
    Clan contact: https://discord.gg/8g6kkJx

    Detalii caracter.
    • Nick: Chancro
    • Clan: MOD#>>
    • Mapa favorită: deathrun_unreal

  5. Propunere 24 ( Private chat) [RESPINS]

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    Quote Originally Posted by dizdani You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Mesaje private catre un jucator, fara ca altcineva de pe server sa le vadada.
    Ma refeream la ceea ce ai spus tu, admin-ul poate folosii comanda amx_psay pentru a trimite un mesaj privat unui jucator fara ca altcineva sa vada mesaj-ul .
    Ps: Ma refer doar la admin !
    „Nu există decât înainte sau sus”


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  6. Propunere 24 ( Private chat) [RESPINS]

    Membru - Gold Nova III SILVIU SILVIU's Avatar
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  7. Propunere 24 ( Private chat) [RESPINS]

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    N-am grad pe niciun server.

  8. Propunere 24 ( Private chat) [RESPINS]

    Membru - Gold Nova III Denisucu's Avatar
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    Eu unul sunt dar s-ar putea face abuz de aceasta comanda.
    Last edited by Denisucu; 31-07-2017 at 04:59 PM.

  9. Propunere 24 ( Private chat) [RESPINS]

    Membru - Silver Elite CLOROX12345's Avatar
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  10. Propunere 24 ( Private chat) [RESPINS]

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    1. Va injurati mai usor printr-un PM
    2. Multi vor abuza si vor injura alti playeri, iar adminul nu va vedea pentru al sanctionat

    Zi-mi si mie avantajele acestui plugin!

    TraNda - WarGods | R.R.M - AngeL - LiOn. - pichacku - Jok3r - UnicA

    P A C E

    DISCORD: unknown.cfg

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