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  1. IMPORTANT ! ( Cititi toti )

    Membru - Silver Elite Master AnOnIm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedMan You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Si locatia ramane frumoasa capitala ?
    Frumoasa capitala ,dar mai exact unde?
    Tocmai posibilitatea sa-ti implinesti un vis face viata interesanta,si cand tu vrei ceva cu adevarat,tot universul conspira la realizarea dorintei tale.

  2. IMPORTANT ! ( Cititi toti )

    Membru - Silver Elite edward's Avatar
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    Da... redmane mergem amandoi cu microbuzul, il luam de la gara Imi lasi un ID pe privat

  3. IMPORTANT ! ( Cititi toti )

    Membru - Silver Elite Master negrutzu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnOnIm You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    De acord cu negrutu...intr-o sambata e mai bine...eu o sa vin cu un prieten ..iar in cursul saptamanii are munca,pana mea. Si sa stabilim o locatie ,ca cica da negru o lada de bere .
    Dau gogule,dar cu conditia sa veniti

  4. IMPORTANT ! ( Cititi toti )

    Membru - Silver Elite Master daniel_San's Avatar
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    Daca imi amintesc bine era proiect legislativ sa se dea liber anul asta si pe 30. Practic trebuia sa fie liber Sambata,duminica,luni,marti. Nu stiu daca a trecut
    Imaginatia este singura noastra limita!

  5. IMPORTANT ! ( Cititi toti )

    Membru - Silver Elite edward's Avatar
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    Eu cred ca o sa a vin singur cu microbuzul, ca Iancu nu vine. De Redman si wt3 nu stiu !

  6. IMPORTANT ! ( Cititi toti )

    Membru - Silver Elite Master RedMan's Avatar
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    But ai id`ul meu , chiar si nmarul de telefon daca nu ma insel frate esti elev, foloseste`te de asta cat mai poti. Da`l dracului de microbuz si hai cu trenul cu carnetu de elev o sa-ti fie dor sa mergi asa in anii viitori

  7. IMPORTANT ! ( Cititi toti )

    Membru - Silver Elite edward's Avatar
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    Bai o chestie, cand ajung la bucuresti, ascundeti beutura
    Uitati un exemplu in ce hal ajung

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  8. IMPORTANT ! ( Cititi toti )

    Membru - Gold Nova Elite XeLa's Avatar
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    Nu sunt cel mai bun, dar nimeni nu e mai bun ca mine.

  9. IMPORTANT ! ( Cititi toti )

    Membru - Silver Elite Master negrutzu's Avatar
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    )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) regina pisica))))))))))))))))))))00

  10. IMPORTANT ! ( Cititi toti )

    Membru - Silver Elite edward's Avatar
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    Cateva bonusuri !

    Tind sa precizes ca in seara aia, am fost tuns, desenat pe sfarcuri, atat de beat incat nu imi puteam controla muschii de la fata, nu puteam gandi, nu puteam sta in picioare, am fugit la 3 dimineata si am sarit gardul la o vecina ca sa ii fur papucii roz etc etc
    Pe 5 vreau sa o fac si mai lata !

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    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

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