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Thread: De ce>>>??

  1. De ce>>>??

    -=JoKeR=-'s Avatar
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    De ce>>>??

    De ce imi apare possible wallhack
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  2. De ce>>>??

    VIP F0rS3ti's Avatar
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    Ai modificat ceva in config?
    It seems to me that when I die, these words will be written on my stone : Per Angusta Ad Augusta!

  3. De ce>>>??

    Moderator -=Christian=-'s Avatar
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    Iti apare din cauza hack-ului,nu este prima data cand te prinde cu Possible Wallhack. ;-)
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    „Nu există decāt īnainte sau sus”



  4. De ce>>>??

    -=JoKeR=-'s Avatar
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    Pai de asta cateodata imi da curat si cateodata pssible wallhack!! si in cfg doar astea le am _cl_autowepswitch "0"
    hud_fastswitch "1"

    --------------- Added after 2 minutes ---------------

    Primesc ban-uri aiurea din cauza asta..mi-au intrat in pc in cs verificare nu au gasit nimic si tot imi da possible wallhack!!

    NEWS: Datorita unor update-uri Windows/Steam suntem obligati sa scoatem detectia "Possible Wallhack" pentru cei care au fost detectati folosind clientul Steam pentru Counter-Strike 1.6

    --------------- Added after 4 minutes ---------------

    CFG Code:
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    --------------- Added after 51 minutes ---------------

    Faceti ceva in privinta asta am reinstalat steam cs..tot asa!!
    Last edited by -=JoKeR=-; 08-04-2017 at 01:40 PM.

  5. De ce>>>??

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    Quote Originally Posted by « Spike « You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Iti apare din cauza hack-ului,nu este prima data cand te prinde cu Possible Wallhack. ;-)
    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Ai primit o infractiune. Nu este pentru prima data cand dezinformezi lumea! ABTINE-TE DE LA A SPUNE PROSTII.

    @Joker: Detectia cu "Possible Wallhack" este datorita unui alt program sau update Windows ce, in mod neobisnuit, interactioneaza cu memoria procesului (jocul). Aceasta detectie nu va mai exista in urmatoarea versiune de wCD, deoarece este generatoare de alarme false.

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