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  1. Reclamatie darkness

    Banned DarkRed's Avatar
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    Reclamatie darkness

    NICK: Deadpool
    JUCATOR: darkness
    ADMIN: Da
    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!


    ==== WarGods Community AMXBAN ===[*] Server: Respawn.WarGods.ro[*] Map: fy_snow[*] Admin: DarkNess[*] Your name: Deadpool[*] Your IP:[*] Your AuthID: STEAM_0:1:161177187[*] Ban Reason: no.wcd[*] Ban Minutes: 10000 minutes[*] Time/Data: 13:04:37 <> 17/02/2017[*] Website: You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    ======= WARGODS COMMUNITY =======
    Kicked by Console: "Banned! Check your console!"
    Kicked :"Banned! Check your console!"

    MOTIV: Are acces ban, poate ii dati si lui un mic DOWNGRADE sa invete sa astepte.
    OBSERVATII: Mi-a dat ban imediat dupa ce m-a transferat la spectator pentru a face un test WCD, nu au trecut mai mult de 30 de secunde.
    Last edited by DarkRed; 17-02-2017 at 10:56 PM. Reason: Console cropped

  2. Reclamatie darkness

    Moderator -=Christian=-'s Avatar
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    Speram sa vina cu o explicatie buna..
    „Nu există decât înainte sau sus”



  3. Reclamatie darkness

    Membru - Silver Elite DarkNess's Avatar
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    Ma omule, te-am pus spectator apoi ti-am trimis link-ul de wcd si n-ai raspuns cu absolut nimic, am incercat sa te striga iara si iara de vreo 5-6 la ori la rand a cate 5 secunde, am vazut ca nu-mi raspunzi te-am banat, ce vroia sa fac sa stau sa ma uit la tine cum nu scrii nimic ? nu era mai bine sa-mi zici ''Asteapta mane putin'' sa stiu si eu ce faceai tu acolo .
    si in plus nu ti-am dat ban dupa transfer omule, te uiti macar cat m-am rugat dupe tine ? God.

  4. Reclamatie darkness

    Banned DarkRed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkNess You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Ma omule, te-am pus spectator apoi ti-am trimis link-ul de wcd si n-ai raspuns cu absolut nimic, am incercat sa te striga iara si iara de vreo 5-6 la ori la rand a cate 5 secunde, am vazut ca nu-mi raspunzi te-am banat, ce vroia sa fac sa stau sa ma uit la tine cum nu scrii nimic ? nu era mai bine sa-mi zici ''Asteapta mane putin'' sa stiu si eu ce faceai tu acolo .
    si in plus nu ti-am dat ban dupa transfer omule, te uiti macar cat m-am rugat dupe tine ? God.

    Tu vi la mine cu predici de genul cum ca nu am zis nimic?
    Distrusule, nu ai asteptat nici macar un minut sa vezi ce se intampla.
    M-ai bagat la spectator, n-au trecut nici 30 de secunde si mi-ai dat ban.
    Atata timp cat inca eram pe server si nu a trecut nici macar un minut nu ai cum sa-mi spui tu mie ca mi-ai dat ban pe motiv ca nu ti-am raspuns.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkNess You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    nu ti-am dat ban dupa transfer omule, te uiti macar cat m-am rugat dupe tine ?
    Am specificat ca nu au trecut mai mult de 30 de secunde "omule" .

  5. Reclamatie darkness

    VIP ~TraNda~'s Avatar
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    Un link cu raportul?

    Usor cu limbajul .
    Last edited by ~TraNda~; 18-02-2017 at 01:43 AM.

    TraNda - WarGods | R.R.M - AngeL - LiOn. - pichacku - Jok3r - UnicA

    P A C E

    DISCORD: unknown.cfg

  6. Reclamatie darkness

    Super Moderator -WickedSick-'s Avatar
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    Las-o mai moale cu limbajul fiindca nu vei ajunge departe
    Cat despre ban , un link de la raport exista?
    Sunt unban cu toate ca , cred ca vei primii ,cat despre intervalul de timp de asteptare nu ai nici o dovada , chestia asta o poate confirma log-urile server-ului !

    Let Me In

    Ce cautam:
    • scripteri - cs 1.6 / css (csgo) / samp / minecraft / metin2
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    Ce oferim:
    • grad in comunitate in functie de categoria aleasa (Programator, Blogger/Promovare/Stiri/Echipa Tehnica/Helper, Designer)
    • grad de Moderator pe sectiunea aleasa
    • alte beneficii pentru seriozitate si efortul depus (de exemplu: servere de Counter-Strike 1.6 sau SAMP gratuite)

  7. Reclamatie darkness

    Moderator Esky's Avatar
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    Nu ma asteptam la tine,Tetra,sa ai un limbaj de genul. O sa ma uit in log sa vad povestea si daca vad ca Darknes are dreptate, ramai cu banul pana expira.Nici macar n-ai adus dovada cu raportul. Eu n-am de unde sa stiu daca ai facut sau nu wcd-ul. Normal, ar fi trebuit sa inchid cererea, fara sa verific. Asteptati pana caut.
    WarGods | Targaryen

  8. Reclamatie darkness

    Membru - Gold Nova I ALX's Avatar
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    Ușor cu limbajul,daca ar fi dupa mine nu ai primi unban si Darkness nu ar primi downgrade,doar ca sa te înveți sa vorbești frumos fara sa jignești, este o comunitate si nu e nimeni obligat sa vada cuvinte jignitoare,ai grija la comportament,mie nu imi plac astfel de oameni,bafta si ai grija!!
    Ai nevoie de mine?
    Suna la 112

  9. Reclamatie darkness

    Moderator Esky's Avatar
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    L 02/17/2017 - 13:03:52: [ut_cmds.amxx] ADMIN DarkNess la transferat pe Deadpool la Spectators
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:03:54: [WarGodsChat.amxx] Chat: "DarkNess<9><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" say "http://www.wargods.ro/wcd/download.php <- Download si Scan!! Fara sa iesi din cs!!"
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:03:54: "DarkNess<9><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" triggered "amx_say" (text "http://www.wargods.ro/wcd/download.php <- Download si Scan!! Fara sa iesi din cs!!")
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:03:54: [WarGodsChat.amxx] Chat: "DarkNess<9><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" say "http://www.wargods.ro/wcd/download.php <- Download si Scan!! Fara sa iesi din cs!! "
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:03:54: "DarkNess<9><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" triggered "amx_say" (text "http://www.wargods.ro/wcd/download.php <- Download si Scan!! Fara sa iesi din cs!! ")
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:03:55: [WarGodsChat.amxx] Chat: "DarkNess<9><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" say "http://www.wargods.ro/wcd/download.php <- Download si Scan!! Fara sa iesi din cs!! "
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:03:55: "DarkNess<9><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" triggered "amx_say" (text "http://www.wargods.ro/wcd/download.php <- Download si Scan!! Fara sa iesi din cs!! ")
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:03:55: [WarGodsChat.amxx] Chat: "DarkNess<9><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" say "http://www.wargods.ro/wcd/download.php <- Download si Scan!! Fara sa iesi din cs!! "
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:03:55: "DarkNess<9><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" triggered "amx_say" (text "http://www.wargods.ro/wcd/download.php <- Download si Scan!! Fara sa iesi din cs!! ")
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:03:55: [WarGodsChat.amxx] Chat: "DarkNess<9><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" say "http://www.wargods.ro/wcd/download.php <- Download si Scan!! Fara sa iesi din cs!! "
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:03:55: "DarkNess<9><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" triggered "amx_say" (text "http://www.wargods.ro/wcd/download.php <- Download si Scan!! Fara sa iesi din cs!! ")
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:03:55: [WarGodsChat.amxx] Chat: "DarkNess<9><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" say "http://www.wargods.ro/wcd/download.php <- Download si Scan!! Fara sa iesi din cs!! "
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:03:55: "DarkNess<9><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" triggered "amx_say" (text "http://www.wargods.ro/wcd/download.php <- Download si Scan!! Fara sa iesi din cs!! ")
    *SPEC* DarkNess : dead?
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:03:59: "DarkNess<9><STEAM_ID_LAN><SPECTATOR>" say "dead?"
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:04: "FaNtoMa<11><STEAM_0:0:1681146362><CT>" killed "Bumomon<4><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "awp"
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:04: Team "CT" triggered "CTs_Win" (CT "2") (T "2")
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:04: World triggered "Round_End"
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:09: World triggered "Round_Start"
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:10: [DPROTO]: Client 7 - Set AuthIdType 1 [dp_RevEmu]; pClient = 0xb39fd7b4
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:10: "SpeedWork<12><STEAM_0:0:666375820><>" connected, address ""
    User SpeedWork (8) uses protocol 48; SteamID assigned by revEmu
    *SPEC* DarkNess : Deadpool ?
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:12: "DarkNess<9><STEAM_ID_LAN><SPECTATOR>" say "Deadpool ?"
    Dropped SpeedWork from server
    Reason: Client sent 'drop'
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:17: [DPROTO]: Client 7 - Set AuthIdType 1 [dp_RevEmu]; pClient = 0xb39fd7b4
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:17: "SpeedWork<13><STEAM_0:0:666375820><>" connected, address ""
    User SpeedWork (8) uses protocol 48; SteamID assigned by revEmu
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:21: [DPROTO]: Client 8 - Set AuthIdType 1 [dp_RevEmu]; pClient = 0xb3a026a8
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:21: "UN_*****<14><STEAM_0:0:969553636><>" connected, address ""
    User UN_***** (9) uses protocol 48; SteamID assigned by revEmu
    Dropped UN_***** from server
    Reason: Client sent 'drop'
    *SPEC* DarkNess : deadpool !?!
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:23: "DarkNess<9><STEAM_ID_LAN><SPECTATOR>" say "deadpool !?!"
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:24: "misaSeid<7><STEAM_0:0:156886263><CT>" killed "Bumomon<4><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "deagle"
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:24: Team "CT" triggered "CTs_Win" (CT "3") (T "2")
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:24: World triggered "Round_End"
    Protocol: 48, authprovider: REVEMU
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:27: "SpeedWork<13><STEAM_0:0:666375820><>" entered the game
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:29: World triggered "Round_Start"
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:31: "SpeedWork<13><STEAM_0:0:666375820><>" joined team "CT"
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:37: [amxbans_local_db.amxx] ADMIN DarkNess <IP:> <STEAM_ID_LAN> ban Deadpool <IP:> <STEAM_0:1:161177187> [Minute(s): 10000] [Reason: no.wcd]
    L 02/17/2017 - 13:04:37: ADMIN DarkNess <IP:> <STEAM_ID_LAN> ban Deadpool <IP:> <STEAM_0:1:161177187> [Minute(s): 10000] [Reason: no.wcd]

    Deci,Tetra,Dark te-a strigat de 4 ori,dar nici un raspuns din partea ta. Cand te-a pus la WCD,trebuia sa zici sa astepte pana scanezi,dar nu ai zis nimic. Banul ramane pana expira,fara suparare.

    Last edited by Esky; 18-02-2017 at 09:35 AM.
    WarGods | Targaryen
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