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  1. Steam Only Exploit

    Membru - Silver I pwpx2's Avatar
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    Steam Only Exploit

    De curand am inceput sa las un server de test si sa permit tot felul de atacuri. Multe nu trec, dar altele da.
    Acum cateva minute m-am uitat in console si am vazut ceva de genul.
    L 12/27/2016 - 14:52:15: "usFnmcxwEy<12><STEAM_0:1:24174909><>" connected, address ""
    SV_ReadClientMessage: unknown command char (152)
    Dropped usFnmcxwEy from server
    Reason: Bad command character in client command
    Segmentation fault
    HLDS-ul e la zi cu updateurile. Din ce imi dau seama e fakeplayers ceva acolo, dar cu alta metoda de atac.

  2. Steam Only Exploit

    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    Sunt constient de exploit. Din pacate, fara lipsa de alte informatii despre procedura pe care o face, pot doar sa creez un fix temporar care ar rezolva botii sa se mai conecteze la server - dar ar da si multe alarme false jucatoriilor reali.

    Daca ai exploit-ul as putea sa-l analizez.
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  3. Steam Only Exploit

    Membru - Silver I pwpx2's Avatar
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    Nu am exploitul, dar mi-a dat o poza.
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    Foloseste FileDeath nu stiu ce..
    A incercat mai multe chestii, dar la toate a rezistat, doar la asta nu.
    Inainte nu foloseam Shieldul, acum l-am pus si i-am zis sa dea din nou sa vad daca mai reuseste.
    Posibil sa incerc reHLDS sa vad care-i baiu, dar e posibil unele chestii sa nu-mi mai functioneze.
    Last edited by pwpx2; 27-12-2016 at 05:13 PM.

  4. Steam Only Exploit

    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    In momentul curent cred ca antiflood-ul la nivel 3/4 ar bloca botul care se conecteaza, dar afecta unii jucatori legitimi.

    As putea introduce un nou filtru, ca o rezolvare temporara, dar tot ar fi posibilitatea de a bana jucatori legitimi.

    Last edited:

    Autentificarea cu SteamID nu se poate realiza decat daca si-a pus contul de Steam real. O rezolvare, posibila, este sa banezi SteamID: STEAM_0:1:24174909 .

    Contul acela de Steam ii apartine lui: You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    ====== MY RULES =====
    • Do not bother me with private messages (including Steam or Facebook) related to WarGods Cheat Defender unless I have specifically asked you to do so. If you have an issue or question, please use the search function first. Only post on the forum if you cannot find anything useful.
    • Always provide the necessary information. Read the request model carefully before posting. Do not write lengthy stories in your post as I don't have time to read them. Just include the required information.
    • Keep in mind this is a free service. I have limited free time and other important priorities. Do not bother me if I haven't replied to your topic within an hour. Only remind me about your topic/PM if I haven't responded within a week. I try to resolve all issues once or twice a week or whenever I am free.

  5. Steam Only Exploit

    Membru - Silver I pwpx2's Avatar
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    Pot sa-i banez si ipul din iptables. Ma gandeam daca e ceva rezolvare. Poate se gaseste vreun maniac cu 100ipuri diferite in acelasi timp sa faca aceeasi chestie.. Hehehe.

  6. Steam Only Exploit

    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    Daca server-ul este SteamOnly va trebui sa se autentifice cu un Steam real. Facand asta este deja vulnerabil ca poate fi banat usor.

    Mai grav este la nonSteam. Ma ocup de caz si incerc sa gasesc o solutie cat mai rapid.
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    • Do not bother me with private messages (including Steam or Facebook) related to WarGods Cheat Defender unless I have specifically asked you to do so. If you have an issue or question, please use the search function first. Only post on the forum if you cannot find anything useful.
    • Always provide the necessary information. Read the request model carefully before posting. Do not write lengthy stories in your post as I don't have time to read them. Just include the required information.
    • Keep in mind this is a free service. I have limited free time and other important priorities. Do not bother me if I haven't replied to your topic within an hour. Only remind me about your topic/PM if I haven't responded within a week. I try to resolve all issues once or twice a week or whenever I am free.

  7. Steam Only Exploit

    raizo11's Avatar
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    Nu neaparat va trebui sa te conectezi pe server

    Fi atent la acest tip de attack

    Method 1
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    Method 4
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    --------------- Added after 10 minutes ---------------

    Acest tip de exploit se poate opri din iptable doar provizoriu ... Singura solutie ReHlds... Acest tip de exploit functioneaza si pe ReHlds dar se poate bloca printr-un metamod

    Desi este foarte vechi exploitul nu s-au gasit pana acum modalitati pentru al opri :

    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Last edited by raizo11; 05-01-2017 at 08:37 AM.

  8. Steam Only Exploit

    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    Esti pe langa subiect, ai prins un "exploit" din greseala de la Skillartz. Nu ai exploit-ul pentru Steam-Only.

    Metoda 1,2,3 se datoreaza unor pachete corupte. Mesajele se realizeaza datorita functiilor NET_QueuePacket si NET_GetLong (apelata tot de NET_QueuePacket).

    Metoda 4 nu este un exploit, spameaza doar consola - daca te conectezi de mai multe ori - face lag. Ea poate fi oprita usor din SV_ConnectionlessPacket.

    Ceea ce mi-ai dat tu este un vechi exploit HL Headnut (se vede ca inca folosea p46) - exploit rezolvat de Valve - necesita conectare - poate fi oprita din SV_ConnectClient.

    ReHLDS nu este singura solutie, tu o preferi pe aia ca sunt mai multe bug-uri de care tu ai putea sa te folosesti. Toate de mai sus se pt rezolva si cu Orpheu sau cu un plugin Metamod.

    Cum spuneam, esti pe langa subiect.
    ====== MY RULES =====
    • Do not bother me with private messages (including Steam or Facebook) related to WarGods Cheat Defender unless I have specifically asked you to do so. If you have an issue or question, please use the search function first. Only post on the forum if you cannot find anything useful.
    • Always provide the necessary information. Read the request model carefully before posting. Do not write lengthy stories in your post as I don't have time to read them. Just include the required information.
    • Keep in mind this is a free service. I have limited free time and other important priorities. Do not bother me if I haven't replied to your topic within an hour. Only remind me about your topic/PM if I haven't responded within a week. I try to resolve all issues once or twice a week or whenever I am free.

  9. Steam Only Exploit

    raizo11's Avatar
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    Am ultimul dproto si wargods shield pe server .... Nu conteaza steam only sau fake steam deodata ce exploitul nu trimite un bot pe server.. Nu ai ce opri din orpheu singura solutie este iptables hex
    string ... te poti uita aici You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

    Am vrut doar sa ajut dar vad ca ma iei in banana... Nu exista packet sender by skillardsHd asa cum nu exista Wargods Anti cheat

    Exista numai packet sender by kohtep asa cum exista UCP anti cheat

    Good Bye

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