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Thread: ~pF~ Clan

  1. ~pF~ Clan

    Moderator Esky's Avatar
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    May 2012
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    Daihatzu ~Targaryen~
    7 Post(s)
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    Sustine Comunitatea WarGods!
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    Exclamation ~pF~ Clan

    LIDER : WarGods | Targaryen , WickedSick
    CLAN : ~powerFury~
    TAG : ~pF~
    MEMBRII : Doar liderii,momentan.
    CONDITII : -Sa foloseasca WAC
    -Varsta minima : 14 ani
    -Prezenta pe server sa fie una medie.
    -Nerespectarea regulamentului Furien,vine de la sine statator scoaterea voastra din clan.
    MENTIUNI : Clanul ~pF~ este doar pentru Adminii si sloturile de pe Furien.WarGods.ro
    Nici-un PLAYER ,inafara de admini/sloturi nu are voie sa foloseasca TAG-ul clanului!

    Pentru a intra in clan,lasati un reply aici: You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Last edited by Esky; 15-06-2016 at 05:03 PM.
    WarGods | Targaryen
    Like -WickedSick-, ~TraNda~ a dat Like acetui post

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