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  1. Cerere Helper Teg-Kiddow

    Membru - Silver Elite Teg-Kiddow's Avatar
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    Sustine Comunitatea WarGods!
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    Cerere Helper Teg-Kiddow

    Cerere Helper Teg-Kiddow
    Gradul - Helper
    Nick - Teg-Kiddow
    Varsta - 29
    Id de steam - Nu am
    Steam id - Nu am
    Id messenger - babyboo_kid
    Experienta - incepator
    Timp jucat - 143.75 pe server nu apar toate orele ( You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! )

    Perioada - De obicei mai mult seara dar sunt zile in care joc si pe timp de zi
    Motiv - Apar din ce in ce mai multi codati si doresc ca jucatorii serverului sa mai revina la noi atata timp cat vad ca un admin isi face treaba verificand persoanele care au coduri si luand masuri in aceasta privinta acestora
    Cunostinte - Nu
    Promovare - Yahoo Messenger / facebook
    Ce culoare are ursul : Coffe
    Life is a climb , but the view is great
    Like Jet Lee a dat Like acetui post

  2. Cerere Helper Teg-Kiddow

    Manager Server:
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    Feb 2014
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    Achievements Days Registered 4 Mentions Received 1 Visitor Messages Received 1 Visitor Messages Given 1 Total Posts 3 Total Posts 2 Total Posts 1 Days Registered 3
    Sustine Comunitatea WarGods!
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    Cererea ta a fost acceptata!
    Asteapta actualizarea lui ADRI ! Bafta!
    Thanks Teg-Kiddow a dat Thanks acetui post
    Like Teg-Kiddow, Jet Lee a dat Like acetui post

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