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  1. Aplicatie care reporneste server dupa ce se blocheaza(win)

    Membru - Silver III tiliean's Avatar
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    Sustine Comunitatea WarGods!
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    Aplicatie care reporneste server dupa ce se blocheaza(win)

    Varianta I :
    Cream un fisier Text Document introducem in el -->

    @echo on
    echo Protejeaza Serverul(hlds)de blokare.
    echo Daca vrei sa inchizi serveru si acest script , inchide consola(hlds) si tasteaza Y urmat de enter.
    title Server Fara Sa Se Blocheze
    echo (%time%) serverul a pornit.
    start /wait /high hlds.exe -console -game cstrike +sv_lan 1 +maxplayers 18 +map de_dust2 -nomaster -noipx
    echo (%time%) ATENTIE: serverul a cazut sau a fost oprit. il restartez.
    goto hlds

    si apoi il salvam sub numele server.bat

    start /wait /high hlds.exe -console -game cstrike +sv_lan 1 +maxplayers 18 +map de_dust2 -nomaster -noipx

    Varianta II :
    Cream un fisier Text Document introducem in el -->

    @echo off
    echo Protejeaza Serverul(hlds)de blokare.
    echo Daca vrei sa inchizi serveru si acest script , inchide consola(hlds) si tasteaza Y urmat de enter.
    title Server Fara Sa Se Blocheze
    echo (%time%) serverul a pornit.
    start /wait /high hlds.exe -console -game cstrike +sv_lan 1 +maxplayers 18 +map de_dust2 -nomaster -noipx
    echo (%time%) ATENTIE: serverul a cazut sau a fost oprit. il restartez.
    goto hlds

    si apoi il salvam sub numele server.bat

    start /wait /high hlds.exe -console -game cstrike +sv_lan 1 +maxplayers 18 +map de_dust2 -nomaster -noipx

    <aceasta> echo on / echo off ( off - sa nu apara acele mesaje , on - sa apara )

    Varianta III :
    Pentru cei care nu mai doresc deloc acele faze cu "echo" , pot face cum arata mai jos


    @echo off
    title Autorestart
    echo (%time%) Started
    start /wait /high hlds.exe -console -game cstrike +sv_lan 1 +maxplayers 18 +map de_dust2 -nomaster -noipx
    echo (%time%) Crashed, restarting.
    goto hlds

    Si batchul nu trebuie pus neaparat in folderul cu hlds.exe

    Poti inlocui

    start /wait /high hlds.exe -console -game cstrike +sv_lan 1 +maxplayers 18 +map de_dust2 -nomaster -noipx


    start /wait /high C:\HLDS\hlds.exe -console -game cstrike +sv_lan 1 +maxplayers 18 +map de_dust2 -nomaster -noipx

    Sau care e calea spre hlds.exe

  2. Aplicatie care reporneste server dupa ce se blocheaza(win)

    Membru - Silver Elite Prince's Avatar
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