Descriere: Acest plugin blocheaza spam-ul,depinde de un nr(cvar)

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Nume: Spam Kick v1.4
Autor: g_often & schmurgel1983
Versiune: V1.4

1.Fisierul SpamKick.amxx il copiati in cstrike/addons/amxmodx/plugins
2.Fisierul SpamKick.sma il copiati in cstrike/addons/amxmodx/scripting
3.Fisierul spam.ini il copiati in cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs
4.Fisierul spam.txt il copiati in cstrike\addons\amxmodx\data\lang

Cuvintele le scrieti in spam.ini

Cvar-uri (se adauga in fisierul amxmodx\configs\amxx.cfg):

amx_spam_option "0"
Important amx_spam_max "5" ->Daca trimiti un mesaj de 5 ori la rand iti da kick
amx_spam_ban_time "3"
amx_spam_log "1"