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Thread: Creatii d3Lya

  1. Creatii d3Lya

    Membru - Gold Nova III Delia ღ❤'s Avatar
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    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! | You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! | Sper sa va placa , o sa mai fac

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    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

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    Last edited by Delia ღ❤; 27-07-2014 at 01:36 PM.

    Like Sylius a dat Like acetui post

  2. Creatii d3Lya

    Membru - Silver Elite Master Vavlux's Avatar
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    Te-as ruga sa nu mai pui link-uri de download. In schimb ai putea sa-l incarci pe un site (postimg de exemplu).
    Mă cauți ? Poți să mă găsești la adresele:
    amx_gigel - Messenger
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  3. Creatii d3Lya

    Membru - Gold Nova III Delia ღ❤'s Avatar
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    Nu stiu altfel .. scuze

    Dislike JoKeR-, Vavlux a dat Dislike acetui post

  4. Creatii d3Lya

    Banned Tim3^sh0T's Avatar
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    sa mori tu ca sunt facute de tn in primul rand te`a dat de gol numele de la poze "pizap.com" in al doilea rand ai editat pozele pe pizap , le`ai descarcat in pc si leai editat cu paint ca sa stergi scrisul cu pizap.com din coltul pozei , se vede cum prima poza e taiata + ca are calitate proasta pe care numai paintul o face asa , daca vrei sa faci ceva cu adevarat invata photoshop ca asa oricine poate sa editeze poze online

    1.search google cs source wallpaper
    2.edit photo with pizap.com
    3.edit with paint and delete "pizap.com"
    4.upload girlshare
    5.post in wargods imagini photoshop>creatii proprii
    Cam asa ai facut , ai 2 poze puse la fel
    Last edited by Tim3^sh0T; 28-07-2014 at 03:08 PM.
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  5. Creatii d3Lya

    Membru - Gold Nova III Delia ღ❤'s Avatar
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    Sunt facute de mine .. sunt o incepatoare ..

  6. Creatii d3Lya

    Banned Tim3^sh0T's Avatar
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    cum spui tu
    Like Vavlux a dat Like acetui post

  7. Creatii d3Lya

    Designer AlieN's Avatar
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    A adaugat doar un simplu text, atata tot, asa ca nu fiti nesimtiti! Cat despre postarea imaginilor, probabil am sa fac un topic ce si cum!
    Thanks JoKeR-, Vavlux a dat Thanks acetui post
    Like JoKeR-, [696]`vLad, Vavlux a dat Like acetui post

  8. Creatii d3Lya

    Membru - Silver Elite Master Sxe's Avatar
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    Ma scuzati daca intervin si nu sunt in masura. dar. acele poze clar sunt de pe net si taiate in paint.. in nici un caz nu sunt facute in pizap pentru ca la o versiune nu mai stiu care ati vazut faza cu "retrica" cand faceti o poza cu iphone sau alte telefone asa si cu pizap pune in colt un logo.. Iar in plus delia chiar nu sunt nesimtit sau alte chesti dar chiar nu te baza pe faptul ca esti incepatoare pentru ca pe alte forumuri am vazut cand eram moderator creatile unor playeri cu mult peste ce ai tu si erau copii de 11 ani.. bafta
    M-am lasat de joc .Mai am timp si de viata reala..gagici etc.. stiti voi ..Mai intru din cand in cand sa vad ce e nou, pe ZM cu diferite nick-uri ,mai incerc sa va ajut pe forum .
    O noua aventura : https://steamcommunity.com/id/Nevermind2nd

  9. Creatii d3Lya

    Membru - Gold Nova III Delia ღ❤'s Avatar
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    Am inteles , nu am talent

  10. Creatii d3Lya

    Designer AlieN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thed3Lya You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Am inteles , nu am talent
    Nu ai inteles nimic! Nu te mai luat dupa unu si dupa altu!

    p.s: Ce ma mai suparati, e ceva de speriat!

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