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Forum: Cereri Admin/Helper

Aici se depun cererile pentru Admin sau Helper. Efectuati cererile dupa model!

Cereri Admin/Helper

  1. Sticky Threads  

  2. Sticky Thread Sticky: [MODEL]Cerere UnBan

    Nick: Data / Ora Cand Ai Primit Ban-ul: Perioada Ban-ului: Motiv Ban: Adminul Care Te-a Banat: Poza Cu...

    Started by regEEE, 19-01-2019 08:21 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 585
    19-01-2019 08:27 PM Go to last post
  3. Sticky Thread Sticky: [MODEL]Cerere Admin

    ĪN ATENTIA APLICANȚIILOR! (!) Pentru a aplica ai nevoie de minim 300 ore jucate. NU aplica daca nu ai minim 300 de ore jucate pe server. (!) In...

    Started by regEEE, 19-01-2019 08:27 PM
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    • Views: 1,036
    19-01-2019 08:27 PM Go to last post
  4. Sticky Thread Sticky: [MODEL]Cerere Leader

    (!) In atentia aplicantului (!) 1.Cererile cu raspunsuri de 2 cuvinte nu sunt luate in considerare! Iti recomandam sa nu iti bati joc de...

    Started by regEEE, 19-01-2019 08:17 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 623
    19-01-2019 08:24 PM Go to last post
  5. Sticky Thread Sticky: [MODEL]Cerere Helper

    ĪN ATENȚIA APLICANȚILOR (!) Pentru a aplica ai nevoie de minim 100 ore jucate. Nu aplica daca nu ai minim 100 de ore jucate pe server. (!) In...

    Started by regEEE, 19-01-2019 08:14 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 641
    19-01-2019 08:18 PM Go to last post
  6. Sticky Thread Sticky: - BlackList - Liderii Romania.WarGods.Ro

    In acest Topic Adminii au obligatia sa posteze aici cand un lider primeste blacklist . Blacklist-ul se calculeaza din momentul in care a intrat si...

    Started by qAnonim, 24-08-2018 06:35 AM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 533
    24-08-2018 06:35 AM Go to last post
  7. Sticky Thread Sticky: Regulament LIDERII

    -Regulament lideri- 1. Nu aveti voie /invite aiurea 2. Nu acordati fwarn pe motive absurde, precizati direct Limbaj,afk la war, absent sedinta !...

    Started by qAnonim, 24-08-2018 06:28 AM
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    • Views: 520
    24-08-2018 06:28 AM Go to last post
  8. Sticky Thread Sticky: [Model]Cerere Helper

    *Nickname pe server: *Numarul de ore jucate: *Varsta: *De ce ai ales sa joci pe acest server? : *Cate ore ai de gand sa-ti dedici pe zi? :...

    Started by qAnonim, 24-08-2018 06:17 AM
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    • Views: 579
    24-08-2018 06:17 AM Go to last post
  9. Sticky Thread Sticky: [Model] Cerere Admin

    *Nume real: *Nick joc: *Varsta: *Primele 5 cifre din CNP: *Esti pe serverul de discord Official al serverului?:(https://discord.gg/XzxEM5m) *De...

    Started by qAnonim, 22-08-2018 07:18 PM
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    • Views: 602
    22-08-2018 07:18 PM Go to last post
  10. Sticky Thread Sticky: Model cerere helper

    Nick pe server: Cea mai mare realizare pe Black.Wargods: In ce factiune ai fost ultima data si cat timp ai stat acolo?: In ce factiune ai...

    Started by IonutTC., 04-04-2018 10:21 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 714
    05-04-2018 08:05 PM Go to last post
  11. Sticky Thread Sticky: Model cerere lider

    Nume(in joc): Varsta reala: Ce doresti sa faci la noi pe server: De ce crezi ca esti pregatit pentru aceasta functie?: Vei fi activ?: Cat timp o...

    Started by IonutTC., 05-04-2018 02:05 AM
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    • Views: 669
    05-04-2018 02:05 AM Go to last post
  12. Sticky Thread Sticky: Model Cerere Admin

    Nick pe server: Cea mai mare realizare pe Black.Wargods: In ce factiune ai fost ultima data si cat timp ai stat acolo?: In ce factiune ai...

    Started by Pomohaci, 04-04-2018 10:48 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 617
    04-04-2018 10:48 PM Go to last post
  13. Sticky Thread Sticky: (Model) Cerere Admin

    Model : Nick : (numele tau pe server) Numele real : Experienta : Varsta : De cat timp joci pe server ? : Ai citit regulamentul : Da/Nu...

    Started by ~Life~, 01-02-2017 10:34 AM
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    • Views: 1,252
    01-02-2017 10:34 AM Go to last post
  14. Sticky Thread Sticky: (Model) Cerere Helper

    Model : Nick : (numele din joc) Nume real : Varsta : Experienta De cat timp joci pe server : Poza de la statusul tau : Ai citit regulamentul...

    Started by ~Life~, 01-02-2017 10:30 AM
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    • Views: 1,238
    01-02-2017 10:30 AM Go to last post
  15. Sticky Thread Sticky: Cerere helper

    Aplicatii helper: Model aplicatie (!) Citim toate cererile, raspundem in ele. Daca sunteti acceptati pentru functia de helper, o sa aflati pe...

    Started by PDHG., 17-10-2015 05:49 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,691
    22-10-2015 11:03 AM Go to last post
  16. Sticky Thread Sticky: Model cerere Admin

    Minim 10 ore jucate pe server pe un singur nick. Minim 12 ani. Seriozitate, experienta. Daca nu sunt indeplinite cele de sus ererea va fi...

    Started by LOneR, 02-08-2015 11:42 AM
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    • Views: 1,547
    02-08-2015 11:42 AM Go to last post
  17. Sticky Thread Sticky: Cereri Helper momentan inchise

    Sal all!Astazi vom inchide cererile de helperi,deorarece avem deja prea multi. Intrebari Frecvente: Cand se vor redeschide cererile?:Se vor...

    Started by rpg_raf, 19-06-2015 02:37 PM
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    • Views: 1,594
    19-06-2015 02:37 PM Go to last post
  18. Exclamation Sticky Thread Sticky: Cererile de admin sunt inchise momentan

    Sal all!Astazi se vor inchide cererile de admin,deoarece avem numarul necesar de admini pe server. Intrebari frecvente: Cand se vor redeschide...

    Started by rpg_raf, 17-06-2015 01:55 PM
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    • Views: 1,562
    17-06-2015 01:55 PM Go to last post
  19. Sticky Thread Sticky: Model cerere Helper

    Cerintele necesare pentru realizarea unei cereri de Helper: * Minim level 2. * Minim 13 ani. ( Varsta ) * Fara antecedente pe server-ul nostru. (...

    Started by LyaNN, 15-06-2015 08:37 PM
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    15-06-2015 08:37 PM Go to last post
  20. Sticky Thread Sticky: Model cerere Admin

    Model cerere admin: Nick : Level : Cate ore jucati pe saptamana ? Cate ore petreceti pe forum pe saptamana? Spuneti-ne ceva despre...

    Started by LyaNN, 15-06-2015 08:34 PM
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    • Views: 1,572
    15-06-2015 08:34 PM Go to last post
  21. Sticky Thread Sticky: [MODEL] Cerere grad

    Nume topic: Cerere Grad - Numele tau (pe joc) Exemplu: Cerere Grad - Pr3daTor Model cerere Helper: 1. Nume real: 2. Nume joc: 3. Varsta: 4....

    Started by Tiger, 23-02-2015 09:48 PM
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    • Views: 1,707
    23-02-2015 09:48 PM Go to last post
  22. Sticky Thread Sticky: [Model]Cerere Admin/VIP/Helper

    Model postare: Nickname pe server: Ore jucate: De cat timp joci pe server: Varsta reala: Ce grad doresti? Helper/VIP/Admin: De ce vrei grad...

    Started by QuaLtY, 04-10-2014 02:23 PM
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    • Views: 2,251
    04-10-2014 02:23 PM Go to last post
  23. Sticky Thread Sticky: Cereri Admin Inchise.

    CERERI ADMIN INCHISE. De azi 5/27/2014 am decis sa le inchis ca avem staff destul cei care vor face-ti cerere vip sa aveti conditiile. NU...

    Started by LeGoLaS, 27-05-2014 06:30 PM
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    27-05-2014 06:30 PM Go to last post
  24. Sticky Thread Sticky: Cerinte Pentru VIP

    Cerite pentru a primi Vip : UPDATE: 18-5-2014 Cerite pentru a primi Vip : Trebuie sa ai asa: Scor : 1000 + Minim 250 misiuni la convoy (...

    Started by LeGoLaS, 18-05-2014 07:35 PM
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    18-05-2014 07:35 PM Go to last post
  25. Sticky Thread Sticky: [Model]Cerere V.I.P

    Romania Bucuresti Trucking Model cerere V.I.P Nume joc : Varsta: Scor ( poza obligatorie ) : Stats ( /stats , poza obligatorie ) :

    Started by LeGoLaS, 18-05-2014 07:33 PM
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    18-05-2014 07:33 PM Go to last post
  26. Sticky Thread Sticky: [Model]Cerere Admin

    RomaniaBucuresti Trucking Model cerere admin: - Nick: - Scor: - Varsta: - Calitati: - Descriere:

    Started by LeGoLaS, 18-05-2014 07:32 PM
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    • Views: 2,164
    18-05-2014 07:32 PM Go to last post
  27. Normal Threads  

  1. Cerere lider News Reporter

    Nick in joc:NarcisXD Level:3 De cat timp joci SA:MP :Ma joc samp de 3 ani. Varsta:18 ani La ce factiune vrei lider :Lider News Reporter

    Started by Moglan Narcis, 04-06-2019 10:38 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 3,774
    05-06-2019 09:43 PM Go to last post
  2. Cerere helper

    Nick: ionutsm19 Nick-uri anterioare:- Level: 3 Limba natala: Romana Limbi straine cunoscute: Engleza

    Started by Ionutsm19, 31-05-2019 03:08 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 615
    01-06-2019 07:03 PM Go to last post
  3. Cerere helper Refacuta

    Nick: Shpax Nick-uri anterioare: Level: 11 Limba natala: Romana Limbi straine cunoscute: Engleza

    Started by shpax, 29-05-2019 09:55 PM
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    • Views: 378
    29-05-2019 09:55 PM Go to last post
  4. Cerere helper\

    Nick: shpax Nick-uri anterioare: Nu am avut Level: 11 Limba natala: Romana Limbi straine cunoscute: Engleza

    Started by shpax, 29-05-2019 09:16 PM
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    • Views: 466
    29-05-2019 09:16 PM Go to last post
  5. Cerere Helper

    Nick: FloSamp Nick-uri anterioare: Nu am avut Level: 10 Limba natala: Romana Limbi straine cunoscute: Engleza

    Started by FloSamp, 29-05-2019 08:33 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 494
    29-05-2019 08:42 PM Go to last post
  6. Cerere Helper

    1.Nume pe server: FloSamp 2.Ce level deti in acest moment pe server? In acesst moment eu detin level-ul 10. 3.De ce doresti sa devi helper? Eu...

    Started by FloSamp, 29-05-2019 08:21 PM
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    • Views: 525
    29-05-2019 08:21 PM Go to last post
  7. Cerere Helper

    Nick: FloSamp Nick-uri anterioare: Nu am avut. Level: 10 Limba natala: Romana. Limbi straine cunoscute: Engleza putin.

    Started by FloSamp, 29-05-2019 07:19 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 449
    29-05-2019 07:38 PM Go to last post
  8. Cerere Lider "Taxi Los Santos"

    Level: am lvl 1 De cat timp joci SA:MP : Eu ma joc samp de aprox. 5 luni. Varsta: Am varsta de 13 ani. La ce factiune vrei lider : Doresc...

    Started by LaurU, 27-05-2019 10:08 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 466
    27-05-2019 10:26 PM Go to last post
  9. Wink cerere lider los vagos

    Nick in joc: cristivoievod Level: 7 De cat timp joci SA:MP : 2 ani Varsta: 11 La ce factiune vrei lider : mafia los vagos

    Started by cristian123, 26-05-2019 02:39 PM
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    • Views: 470
    26-05-2019 02:39 PM Go to last post
  10. Cerere Lider Taxi Los Santos.

    Level: De cat timp joci SA:MP : Acest joc il joc de 3 ani. Varsta: Am varsta de 14 ani. La ce factiune vrei lider : Doresc sa obtin functia...

    Started by ZekRobert, 25-05-2019 03:56 PM
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 499
    25-05-2019 04:03 PM Go to last post
  11. Cerere lider News Reporter

    Nick in joc:SilviuHatz Level:3 De cat timp joci SA:MP :Ma joc samp de 3 ani. Varsta:14 ani La ce factiune vrei lider :Lider News Reporter

    Started by Silviu223, 22-05-2019 03:24 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 475
    25-05-2019 01:50 PM Go to last post
  12. Cerere Leader - Los Santos Police Departament

    Nick in joc: Silviu Level: Detin level 3 momentan. De cat timp joci SA:MP : Joc samp de aproximativ 4 ani. Varsta: Am varsta de 15 ani. ...

    Started by Silviu[M], 21-05-2019 06:33 PM
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 441
    25-05-2019 08:44 AM Go to last post
  13. Cerere Helper

    Nick: BlackAnimal Nick-uri anterioare: - Level: 3 Limba natala: Romana. Limbi straine cunoscute: Engleza , Fraceza (putin cat sa ma...

    Started by Lowent_123, 23-05-2019 04:39 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 517
    23-05-2019 04:46 PM Go to last post
  14. Cerere Helper

    Nick: Mander Nick-uri anterioare: Nu am avut. Level: 3 Limba natala: Romana. Limbi straine cunoscute: Engleza putin.

    Started by Guguta_Marian, 23-05-2019 03:44 PM
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    • Views: 397
    23-05-2019 03:44 PM Go to last post
  15. Cerere helper.

    Nick: Cappuccino Nick-uri anterioare: Cappuccino Level: Am level 3 Limba natala: Romana Limbi straine cunoscute: Stiu Engleza italiana Si...

    Started by Cappuccino, 23-05-2019 03:43 PM
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    • Views: 403
    23-05-2019 03:43 PM Go to last post
  16. Cerere Heler

    Nick: Guguta Nick-uri Gigel Level: 3 Limba natala: Romana. Limbi straine cunoscute: nu

    Started by Guguta_Marian, 23-05-2019 02:48 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 436
    23-05-2019 02:59 PM Go to last post
  17. Cerere Helper

    NICK: Fare spoitoru USERNAME: Marian GRAD: Doresc funcția de Helper SECTIUNEA PE FORUM: - VARSTA: Am varsta de 10 ani. ADRESA DE CONTACT: Nu...

    Started by Guguta_Marian, 23-05-2019 02:42 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 425
    23-05-2019 02:46 PM Go to last post
  18. verisorKAPiC - cerere lider National Guard

    Nick in joc: verisorKAPiC Level: 3. De cat timp joci SA:MP :De pe data de 14.01.2015. Varsta: 19 ani. La ce factiune vrei lider : La...

    Started by verisorKAPiC, 22-05-2019 07:41 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 398
    22-05-2019 07:41 PM Go to last post
  19. Cerere helper Mander

    Nick: Mander Nick-uri anterioare: Nu am avut. Level: 3 Limba natala: Romana. Limbi straine cunoscute: Engleza putin.

    Started by Mander, 21-05-2019 02:59 PM
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 442
    22-05-2019 02:59 PM Go to last post
  20. Cerere Leader FBI

    Nick in joc: shpax Level: 6 De cat timp joci SA:MP : 1 an Varsta: 14 La ce factiune vrei lider : FBI

    Started by shpax, 21-05-2019 03:23 PM
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 461
    22-05-2019 02:57 PM Go to last post

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