View Full Version : banlist gutza

03-03-2014, 05:16 PM
Nick :Ko[R]a
Ip :
Motiv :wall
Dovada :
* TwoSteps. : na ma
*DEAD* TwoSteps. : cu cat imi scapi
adam.RO connected
*DEAD* TwoSteps. : :|
adam.RO is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
maSter killed R21 with deagle
*DEAD* SM-Player : /meR21 (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* Madonna : /rank
gutza killed maSter with usp
glontz_de_@ur is joining the Terrorist force
[MaTeEsTi] Pentru Admine/Reclamatii - <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> sectiunea Mateesti.wargods.ro
Ko[R]a connected
*DEAD* maSter : pff
Ko[R]a is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*** jeleuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. killed gutza with a headshot from deagle ***
*DEAD* sociopat : b
*DEAD* glontz_de_@ur : chis
*DEAD* gutza : numai am gl
*DEAD* adyy : re
"sv_restart" changed to "3"
"sv_restart" changed to "0"
The game will restart in 3 SECONDS
*DEAD* Madonna : :)))
--- Live , Hf Si Spor La Fraguri---
--- Live , Hf Si Spor La Fraguri---
--- Live , Hf Si Spor La Fraguri---
Ko[R]a has left the game
--- Live , Hf Si Spor La Fraguri---
Elena : betiv
maSter : nici eu nu am mai avut
gutza : am vzt
Violation by Ko[R]a: Wall Script detected!
Madonna : femeie
nu a merge snapshotul la mine scz

03-03-2014, 05:22 PM
Ba ma lasi...asta e dovada la uh e de la CFG ba. ca am 2 cfg in counter. nu stiai cum sa scap de mine si acm gata mai prin in oala. intra pe mes sati dau cfg sa vazi ca nu mint.

04-03-2014, 04:14 PM
pe server nu ai voie cu cfg deci pentru ca continui sa postezi aiurea ai ban permanent si iti garantez c anu ti-l scoate nimeni daca esti asa tare in gura dupa ca intri cu wall

26-03-2014, 09:16 PM
ban kora:))