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05-01-2014, 11:42 AM
Tutorial instalare DPROTO

Adauga serverul la Internet si la Favorite.
Jucatorilor care folosesc steam le vor fi adaugate avatarele.
Ruleaza cu ultima versiune de swds.dll.

Ultima versiune: 0.9.390
Download: Click aici! (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>)

Instalare pe WINDOWS:

Pentru incepul trebuie facut update-ul la server(engine).
Intrati in Start => Run si adaugati urmatoarea comanda:

hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game valve -dir . -verify_all
Asteptati sa fie gata 100% dupa care adaugati urmatoarea comanda:

hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game cstrike -dir . -verify_all

Dupa aceste etape intrati in /cstrike/addons/ si faceti un folder nou numit dproto unde copiati fisierul dproto.dll din arhiva descarcata de mai sus. Apoi intrati in /cstrike/addons/metamod/ , deschideti fisierul plugins.ini si adaugati urmatorul rand:

win32 addons\dproto\dproto.dll

Acum intram in /cstrike/ si adaugam fisierul dproto.cfg din arhiva , iar dupa asta intram in server.cfg si la sfarsit adaugam urmatoarea linie:

exec dproto.cfg
Daca ati adaugat in server.cfg parametrii nomaster trebuie sa ii stergeti pentru rularea corecta a plugin-ului.

Instalare pe LINUX:

Pentru incepul trebuie facut update-ul la server(engine).
Intrati in Terminal si adaugati urmatoarea comanda:

./steam -command update -game valve -dir . -verify_all
Asteptati sa fie gata 100% dupa care adaugati urmatoarea comanda:

./steam -command update -game cstrike -dir . -verify_all

Dupa aceste etape intrati in /cstrike/addons/ si faceti un folder nou numit dproto unde copiati fisierul dproto_i386.so din arhiva descarcata de mai sus. Apoi intrati in /cstrike/addons/metamod/ , deschideti fisierul plugins.ini si adaugati urmatorul rand:

linux addons/dproto/dproto_i386.so

Acum intram in /cstrike/ si adaugam fisierul dproto.cfg din arhiva , iar dupa asta intram in server.cfg si la sfarsit adaugam urmatoarea linie:

exec dproto.cfg
Daca ati adaugat in server.cfg parametrii nomaster trebuie sa ii stergeti pentru rularea corecta a plugin-ului.

Sper ca am fost de folos cu acest tutorial pentru toata lumea.


- Fixed bug with setting HLTV SteamID as BOT when cid_HLTV is 5.

- Added SteamIdHashSalt config parameter.
- Added optional emulators generated SteamIDs hashing.

- Increase threat level only once for wrong file.
- Deltas processing bugfix. This solves problem with levitating or falling players on demo recording (thanks to PRoSToTeM@).
- PEntityOfEntIndex bugfix (thanks to PRoSToTeM@).

- Fixed bug in config parser.

- Option to log threat details.
- New config parameter: ThreatsLoggingMode.
- Spectate command rate limited to 1 per sec.

- Fixed one more variant of Fake Player ban.

- Fixed bug with false positive Fake Player detection.

- Closed one more way of lag out the server.
- Fixed custom reject message output from dp_rejmsg_steamemu cvar for SteamEmu clients.
- Fixed bug in engine that blocked customization downloads (sprays) on new builds (>= 6027).

- Added support of upcoming voice transcoding module
- Better HLTV client handling to prevent banning.
- Increased sprite replacer storage capacity. Should prevent "Running out of free nodes" server error.
- Security fixes and improvments. Closed one more way of lag out the server.
- Fallback to the server realtime on Windows if there is no QPC.
- Fixed missing skip for bots in fake players check.
- Fixed amxx kick for slot reservation.
- Fixed server-side game bots identification.
- Clearing entity flags on disconnect. This fixes bug when client identified as bot if connects on slot previously occupied by a bot. (Thanks to Turanga_Leela)

0.9.187 - 0.9.330:
- Added support for latest HLDS builds
- If EnableSXEIdGeneration = 1, then sXe Injected is used for the generation of SteamID for everyone except steam clients.
- cid_SXEI works correctly now, and it is only used if EnableSXEIdGeneration = 1.
- Added support of RevEmu2013 clients.
- Added dp_rejmsg_sxei and dp_rejmsg_revemu2013 cvars.
- AMXX plugins were updated and now include support for SXEI and RevEmu2013.
- Removed messages like: Unable to load strings pool from file './cstrike/estrpool/estrpool_main.dat'.
- Added fixes for flood with commands like 'new', 'dlfile', 'sendres', 'fullupdate'.
- Check for initial commands order on connect. New FakePlayers_CommandsOrderCheck config option.
- Added checking of requested downloads against precached resources. New Exploits_CheckDownloads config option.
- Added block of file uploads to the server. Added Exploits_DisableUploads config option.
- Ban for repeating connection attempts from same IP.
- Ban for violations in connection protocol.
- Send VoiceInit on new server builds (initializes voice for old clients) (thanks to Chuvi).
- Fixed average PPS calculation. This solves problem with HLSW.
- Loading steam server ID and version from steam.inf and steam_appid.txt files.
- Fixed server info answer: setting proper steam server ID, version, bots count, correct lock status when password set to "none".
- Fixed steam ID generation function to return "BOT" for bots.
- Fixed AY&SY and svc_bad error on new Linux builds.
- Refactored IPRateFilter to not block HLSW.

- Fixed vulnerability used by "FVU" exploit

- fixed "STEAM userid keysize is bogus" error on SteamEmu clients

- fixed "Invalid challenge format" warning when client joins server

- Some bugs fixed (I don't remember what bugs :( )
- Removed subserver and master-client as they are not needed now
- Added challenge checking code to "rules" and "players list" requests handlers

- Fixed steamid generation for Steamclient 2009

- Fixed: VAC Status was always "protected" on Windows servers.
- Moved all options to configure fakeplayers detector to dproto.cfg
- Update sample amxx plugins.
- Added quick fix for vulnerability in netchan's fragment parser
- Enhanced detection of fakeplayers (against Argentinian haxxxorz)

- Improvements/bugfixes in fakeplayers/packet flood detection code
- AMXX API and example plugins updated
- Fixed bug with cid_AVSMP, it was always 1
- Added useful commands for threats monitoring, check Readme.txt

- bugfix, bugfix, bugfix, bugfix....
- Added support for AVSMP clients

- fix for random svc_bads on connect

- proper bots detection method in fakeplayers detector

- fixed problems with AMD engines
- fixed hybrid answer mode
- fakeplayers detector won't kick and ban bots anymore

- fixed crash when working with bans DB (banid)
- fix in new revEmu auth code

- project moved to new versioning system; version format for now is MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION
- added support for latest linux engine.
- added support for new revEmu/SteamClient2009 clients
- added config options to set first prefix of steamid for clients. For example, revEmu clients may be marked as STEAM_4_0_xx
- added 2-level protection against all kinds of fake players
- added protection against flooding server with connectionless (PlayerList, ServerInfo, Rules) queries.
- added option (HLTVExcept_IP) to allow HLTVs from specified address to join the server even if cid_HLTV is 5 (deprectated). May be useful if you using HLTVReport plugin, but you dont want to allow another HLTVs to join your server.
- Source code will not be available anymore.
- (untested) "The VAC problem" (when VAC banned clients are able to join server) should be fixed.

- fixed buffer overflow vulnerability in SV_ParseCvarValue2()
- fixed crash for linux servers, when server started as unprivileged user that not able to write to server root directory.

- fixed problem with dropping clients with "Unknown HLTV Type" message
- fix in anti-svc_bad code, it should work fine now

- fixed: old WON clients (CS patch 21 and lower) unable to join server

- fixed NET_SendPacket error that appears when server tried to drop deprecated client

- implemented fix for "Server failed to transmit file AY&SY" kind of svc_bad's
- UTF8 Chat/Nicknames support completely removed (will add it to another plugin)
- Userinfo filter removed because it does not needed anymore (it was a temporary fix for svc_bad's)
- added separate AuthProvider (dp_r_id_provider cvar) constant for HLTV (check amxx/dp_test.sma)
- fixed GameNameChanger plugins under Windows.
- There are a lot of changes in dproto.cfg. Old configs won't work with this version.

- Using on-the-fly offsets searching for patching.
- dproto now supports all existing (and hopefully ***ure) p48 engines for Windows and Linux (including engine_amd.so/engine_i486.so).
- Fixed vulnerability in SV_ParseVoiceData() used by hlds_vcrash exploit.

- hlds_**** exploit fixed.
- temporary fix for hlds_vcrash exploit: Patched swds.dll/engine_i686.so, uploaded here and here.

- possible DoS exploit fixed
- added Subserver_IP option in dproto.cfg, used to set interface for subserver; subserver code will be rewrititten in next versions.

- implemented cid_Setti clientid type (for Setti server scanner). Default value is 3 (STEAM_x:x:x generated by ip). This is workaround for situation when server disappears from Setti's serverlist (because Setti scanner can't join the server) when cid_NoSteam47=5 is used.
- Plugins changing game description (adding timeleft for example) should work correctly now.

- Fixed server response for very old clients (thx to Rulzy)
- Fixed bug when server drops HLTV if cid_NoSteam47/48 is deprecated(5)

- Added server-side emulation support. Currently supported emus are: revEmu, old revEmu ( <= 9.73), hCupa's SteamEmu
- eSTEAMATiON support removed
- local banlist should work correctly
- completely rewritten client authorization code. All problems with UNKNOWN steamids and not working "deprecated" clientids may be fixed.
- there are a lot of changes in dproto.cfg. Old configs won't work with this version

- Fixed: "deprecated" (5) ClientID did not work on cid_SteamPending (STEAM_0:0:0) clients
- Added: Various cvars for customizing reject messages for deprecated clients. Check the "HOW TO CHANGE REJECT MESSAGES WHEN CLIENTID IS 5 (DEPRECATED)" section of Readme for more details.
- Added: dp_version cvar that keeps current dproto version. It is exported to server rules by default, but you can turn the exporting off using ExportVesion option in dproto.cfg
- Added: Capability mode for steamIds generated by eST (to make it as in <= 0.3.0) versions, option OldEstCompatMode in dproto.cfg

- Fixed: "STEAM userid keysize is bogus" on build 4554 (May, 2009) under windows (broken in 0.3.1 version)
- Fixed: Annoying #18 and #19 warnings under windows

- Fixed: dproto gets wrong steamids from eSTEAMATiON.

- Fixed bug with steamid corruption for some no-steam clients

- Added dp_clientinfo command which can be used to get inforamtion about client's protocol. Check the Readme.txt and amxx directory for more info.

- Added support for new engines: 4617 for Linux and 4554 (15 Jun 2009) for Windows.

- Redirection fixed for subserver (thx to GoD2.0);
- Subserver now correctly works with broadcast queries;
- Hybrid serverinfo answer type discovered by ineya, fixes visibility for all clients. Check dproto.cfg

- some compilation problems for linux fixed

plugin, metamod, dproto, tutorial, instalare, install, dproto.cfg, server, nonsteam, steamidsalt

Editat si modificat de Tiger.