View Full Version : Profil - Editare - Rubrici Noi - Creare Albume - Upload Imagini

30-01-2011, 02:40 PM
1. Editarea Profilului:
-Click sus in dreapta pe Profilul Meu

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

-Click pe tabul Despre Mine

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

-Apoi faceti click pe fiecare creionasul galben pentru editare

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

2. Crearea Albumelor si Uploadarea Imaginilor:
-Click in stanga unde scrie Albums pe textul Mai Mult

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

-Click in dreapta pe Creaza Album Nou

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

-Completati campurile apoi click pe Salveaza Modificarile

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

-Click pe Uploadeaza Imagini

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

-Click pe Add Files

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

-Din coltul din Dreapta jos selectati Basic Uploader

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

-Click pe Choose si alegeti Imaginile din calculator

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

-Dupa ce ati ales Imaginea dati click pe Upload si asteptati
-Repetati ultimii doi pasi pana ati Uploadat toate imaginile dorite
-Acum faceti click in dreapta jos pe Done

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

Restul setarilor sunt auxiliare si deductive.

30-01-2011, 04:00 PM

^ShyphTER #
17-11-2014, 07:22 PM