View Full Version : Dubstep - listening before it was cool.

14-07-2013, 02:41 PM
---Toata lumea stie ce e, s-au facut si cluburi de noapte numai cu Dubstep, dar nu am vazut pe forum, poate nu va-ti intersectat cu genul acesta.
--- Eu unul il ascult de ceva timp, dar din pacate sa prostit lumea si nu se mai fac cum erau odata, adica le consider prea repetitive, asa ca ascult mai vechi sau care chiar is ceva mai interesante.


1. Primele melodii de care m-am impiedicat.

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<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

Full Playlist 2009/2010 : UKF List (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>)

2. Recent ascultate (2011 -2012) !

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si cateva de la Skrillex, chiar daca nu sunt mare fan.
Postati si voi alte surse daca stiti poate imi dati voi ceva material.

31-01-2014, 02:45 AM
O foarte mica parte din playlist-ul meu

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<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

si ceva mai special :)) cu impact emotional

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24-04-2014, 10:57 AM
<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>