View Full Version : Plugin AMXX Info Server !

02-07-2013, 05:21 PM
Autor: Power. aka Unhask
Versiune: v1.0

Download: ws_info_server.rar - 4.3 Kb (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>)

Descriere: Afiseaza intr-un meniu cateva informatii despre server.


1. Dezarhivati arhiva ws_info_server.rar
2. Fisierul wgods_info_server.sma il puneti in addons/amxmodx/scripting
3. Fisierul wgods_info_server.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins
4. Scrieti in addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini codul urmator:


Comenzi (say & say_team):



ws_info_forum - modifici cu forumul serverului tau
ws_info_owner - modifici cu numele tau de owner/founder

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

#include < amxmodx >

#pragma semicolon 1

static const PLUGIN[ ] = "wGods Info Server";
static const VERSION[ ] = "v1.0";

new pCvarString[ 2 ];

public plugin_init( )
register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, "Unhask(c)wargods.ro" );

register_clcmd( "say /info", "cmdInfoServer" );
register_clcmd( "say_team /info", "cmdInfoServer" );

pCvarString[ 0 ] = register_cvar( "ws_info_forum", "<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>" );
pCvarString[ 1 ] = register_cvar( "ws_info_owner", "Unhask" );

public cmdInfoServer( szIndex )
new szMenu = menu_create( "Info Server", "iContent" );

new szAdd[ 164 ], szPlayers[ 32 ], szMap[ 32 ], szForum[ 32 ], szOwner[ 32 ], iNum;

get_players( szPlayers, iNum );
get_mapname( szMap, sizeof ( szMap ) - 1 );

get_pcvar_string( pCvarString[ 0 ], szForum, sizeof ( szForum ) - 1 );
get_pcvar_string( pCvarString[ 1 ], szOwner, sizeof ( szOwner ) - 1 );

if ( is_linux_server( ) )
formatex( szAdd, sizeof ( szAdd ) - 1, "\wPlatforma: \rLinux" );
formatex( szAdd, sizeof ( szAdd ) - 1, "\wPlatforma: \rWindows" );

menu_additem( szMenu, szAdd, "1" );

formatex( szAdd, sizeof ( szAdd ) - 1, "\wSloturi: \r%i", get_maxplayers( ) );

menu_additem( szMenu, szAdd, "2" );

formatex( szAdd, sizeof ( szAdd ) - 1, "\wJucatori: \r%i\w/\r%i", iNum, get_maxplayers( ) );

menu_additem( szMenu, szAdd, "3" );

formatex( szAdd, sizeof ( szAdd ) - 1, "\wHarta: \r%s", szMap );

menu_additem( szMenu, szAdd, "4" );

formatex( szAdd, sizeof ( szAdd ) - 1, "\wOwner: \r%s", szOwner );

menu_additem( szMenu, szAdd, "5" );

formatex( szAdd, sizeof ( szAdd ) - 1, "\wForum: \r%s", szForum ) ;

menu_additem( szMenu, szAdd, "6" );

menu_display( szIndex, szMenu, 0 );

return 1;

public iContent( szIndex, szMenu, szItem )
if ( szItem == MENU_EXIT )
menu_destroy( szMenu );
return 1;

new szCommand[ 6 ], szName[ 64 ];
new szAccess, szCallback;

menu_item_getinfo( szMenu, szItem, szAccess, szCommand, sizeof ( szCommand ) - 1, szName, sizeof ( szName ) - 1, szCallback );

return 1;

28-02-2016, 03:40 PM
nu mai merge link-ul

01-05-2016, 11:37 PM
Am si eu nevoie de acest plugin, il mai are cineva ?

04-09-2016, 07:51 PM
Post sters.

19-04-2017, 08:40 AM
Nu merge link-ul, poti pune altul te rog ?

19-04-2017, 09:42 AM
Nu merge link-ul, poti pune altul te rog ?

Am pus sursa in primul post.