View Full Version : NOT BANNED Banned for cheating I guess?

+ s1Lv3rQuicK ^
14-02-2024, 04:12 PM
[PGS-INFO] Ju keni marr BAN nga serveri
[PGS-INFO] Informatat e BAN-it
[PGS-INFO] Serveri - Prizreni Gaming Server [PRO CLASSIC]
[PGS-INFO] Lloji i BAN-it - IP
[PGS-INFO] ID e Lojtarit - STEAM_0 : 0 : 420229837
[PGS-INFO] IP e lojtarit -
[PGS-INFO] emri i lojtarit - + s1Lv3rQuicK ^
[PGS-INFO] Koha kur ju jeni ber BAN - 13 : 58 : 10 14/02/2024
[PGS-INFO] Koha e largimit te BAN-it - 12 : 37 : 10 21/02/2024
[PGS-INFO] Koha e mbetur - 6 Dite 21 Ore 28 Minut ( a ) 43 Sekond ( a )
[PGS-INFO] emri i adminit - Fataix
[PGS-INFO] Arsyeja - Refuzimwg
[PGS-INFO] -------------------------------
Kicked :"Ju jeni ber BAN nga ky Server. Koha e mbetur: 6 Dite 21 Ore 28 Minut(a) 43 Sekond(a). Shikoni ne [console] per me shum informata"

14-02-2024, 11:56 PM
And what does this have to do with wCD?

+ s1Lv3rQuicK ^
15-02-2024, 10:51 AM
I don't know, I'm new here that was my second day ever on the server and I just got banned without any reason, if it was for cheats then where is the proof? I think some Admins might be abusing their rights banning people without explaining to them anything.

16-02-2024, 09:59 PM
It's not our server, I can't help you. Go to their forum.
