View Full Version : NOT A FALSE POSITIVE Request to delete my old bad scans

10-02-2023, 11:25 AM
Hello, I am playing counter-strike 1.6 for a long time. Anyways, My friends told me there is a ranking system on counter-strike 1.6. I looked it up and found fastcup.net. Everything was fine until I played my first game. I was able to get 40-50 frags on pro public but on fastcup, It wasn't the same. I couldn't even get a 15 frag on every match. My friends told me the people who playing these were changing DLLS, Configs to get better shots. I said: "Isn't this hacking?" they said: "No, it isn't hacking. Fastcup.net have the best anti-cheat system and fastcup.net doesn't see these as hacks." So I changed DLL's and Configs. I was getting used to change them every day I was getting new DLLs and Configs. One day, I was in pro public and they requested wargods scan from me. And I scanned it but I got red. I was shocked. I told them the I was fastcup player and they agreed to look for cheats on my computer via TeamViewer. They couldn't find any hacks so they didn't ban me. But I wanted to delete that DLL and Config just in case. But after days I got new DLL's and Configs again and again. Anyways, after a long time (IDK How much) one pro public server requested wargods scan again. I scanned it again and one config file got me red (I checked my client wasn't even running it). So they banned me because I got red on my history too. Now, I can't even play on a pro public server. I didn't do anything wrong. My request is can some admin please delete my red scans? I deleted all configs and DLL's and quit fastcup. Thank you for reading and interest!

11-02-2023, 10:13 AM
Dude, wtf ... what did you smoked something? ... I didn't told you to write novels here. Just fill required information from the that damned request model (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>), to be able to find your report and your issue.

Luckily you added your SteamID to your profile...

Fastcup is not wCD. I don't care what Fastcup detects or not.

You are free to post all the detected files from all your reports for further analysis:


If needed I can post md5 hash for these files prior you uploading these files, so you can validate your files that are the same.

11-02-2023, 10:48 AM
You wrote this to thread:
"NOTE: You need to report this problem right after you have been wrongfully detected. Please do not come here for support after a few hours later or if you closed the game because these kind of requests will be rejected."

As I mentioned above, it has been months since the first bad report. It has been a week since the second bad report. And As I mentioned above, I don't have access to these files since I deleted them. I might find "w.cfg" at my trash can but I don't think I can access other files.

11-02-2023, 04:42 PM
You wrote this to thread:
"NOTE: You need to report this problem right after you have been wrongfully detected. Please do not come here for support after a few hours later or if you closed the game because these kind of requests will be rejected."

Because most of reported ones are "memory detection", not file detection. In this case it's critical to provide the proof right after your false-positive. Still, you should report it immediately.

In your case, it you don't have the files then I can't do anything.

12-02-2023, 10:44 AM
Like I said I can probably find "w.cfg" but %99 percent I can't find the other files. Please dude I can't play counter-strike 1.6 on servers anymore.

13-02-2023, 10:06 PM
Sorry, rules are rules. Without these files I can't remove your detections.

You can pay for them to be cleared as mentioned here (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>).