View Full Version : FALSE POSITIVE Free unban request : Stay

28-12-2022, 07:48 PM
LAST REPORT ID (OPTIONAL): i was having a problem in scan the scan crash at 93 so i
didn't get any scan
NICK: Stay
STEAM ID: STEAM_1:0:903878647
OTHER INFORMATION: So like i said before (in last report id) i uninstalled wargods
anticheat before when i installed it back i was having a problem when i scan the scan
crash at 93/100 i ignored that so in a server admin requested me for a scan and the scan
crashed again at 93/100 so i was canceling and re scaning again i did that like 3 or 2
times and a message said to me you are banned for abusing this free service so what i should do if you guys unbanned me to solve this problem ?:X

28-12-2022, 08:24 PM
False-positive. Please check if everything works.

29-12-2022, 08:28 PM
Yes thank you

29-12-2022, 09:07 PM
You are welcome.
