View Full Version : Detected for “HLAE” editing software

29-04-2022, 04:56 PM
Hello, my cs nick is PoGdAb and im a STEAM cs 1.6 player, its true in the past i used wallhack with nonsteam cs when i was a kid, but since i got Steam cs i never in my life cheated but turns out that HLAE can be detected as “cheating” which i had no idea about because i swear to god i only use that to edit videos for my youtube channel : <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

the thing is. i didnt even have hlae in my cs folder, it was literally in my desktop and idk why it even detects it as cheating. Also a while ago i talked to TigeR on fb messenger and told him about my situation politely but idk why he hates on me and calls me Karen and “annoying” from my way of talking and explaining myself i guess? & after that he blocked me :| , Apparently asking for your right from being oppressed nowadays isnt possible.

30-04-2022, 08:14 PM
1) Why creating here a topic when you are not banned in wCD?
2) Stop stalking members of this community on Facebook and contacting them just to tell them to tell me about your tantrum. They are not my lawyers nor carrier pigeons.
3) I (repeatedly) told you, on Facebook, that I won't remove your detection for free and I told you the reason. You either pay for that detection to be cleared or keep it. I simply don't care.

PS: I won't deal with your tantrum or your spamming again and I will ban you on forum if you do that here.

30-04-2022, 08:44 PM
to answer the 3 points you listed

1- Idk how this forum or community works so i just found this topic and posted here cuz i dont play in ur community i was just asked to do a scan while practicing longjumps in virus kz lj server.

2- I never stalked anyone, if ur talking about ady he just randomly popped in “people you may know” list on facebook and i entered his profile and found that he works in wargods community so i explained my situation to him, never claimed or said that anyone is your lawyer or anything.

3-I know and understand that you told me you wont remove it for free, but i saw that you did it for other people,so idk why not proceed and do it for me too? u didnt tell me the reason. Also if you want me to pay i wouldve paid you 3x the amount if it even makes sense.But it dont, because why on earth would i pay for something i never did? do you think thats fair?

30-04-2022, 09:54 PM
1) You have no excuse since you know english and this is the english section. Everything on wCD subforum is structured in such manner for the people to find what they need or where to post.
2) Nor do I. Just because you saw someone who have on their profile "WarGods Community" that doesn't mean it gives you the right bother them with your issues and only for them to contact me since I blocked you. Don't you think that's childish?
3) I told you. The posts you saw were from 2018/2019, respectively 2020, and their detection were removed ONLY BECAUSE THE DETECTIONS DIDN'T HAVE A TIMESTAMP ASSOCIATED WITH THE FILE (e.g.: loading time) [meaning the detection entry was an artifact] OR THE FILE DIDN'T EXISTED ANYMORE AND WASN'T LOADED IN THE PAST 24 HOURS. Yours isn't an artifact, you had it on your computer when you did that scan.

30-04-2022, 11:30 PM
1) You have no excuse since you know english and this is the english section. Everything on wCD subforum is structured in such manner for the people to find what they need or where to post.
2) Nor do I. Just because you saw someone who have on their profile "WarGods Community" that doesn't mean it gives you the right bother them with your issues and only for them to contact me since I blocked you. Don't you think that's childish?
3) I told you. The posts you saw were from 2018/2019, respectively 2020, and their detection were removed ONLY BECAUSE THE DETECTIONS DIDN'T HAVE A TIMESTAMP ASSOCIATED WITH THE FILE (e.g.: loading time) [meaning the detection entry was an artifact] OR THE FILE DIDN'T EXISTED ANYMORE AND WASN'T LOADED IN THE PAST 24 HOURS. Yours isn't an artifact, you had it on your computer when you did that scan.

Bro.. its true i had it in my computer but why would i cheat with it? and how to even cheat with it? i literally use it to edit my videos for my youtube channel, i have 6 world records, why would i cheat? pls understand me and my situation & accept my steam request to talk about it?

01-05-2022, 09:00 AM
I will answer your question with the following question "Why would anyone keep cheats on their computer if they don't use them?!". It only matters that it can be used to cheat.

I remind you that wCD isn't running all the time, it isn't a spyware or an anticheat software to monitor all your activity. It's a cheat detector. Your detection is not a false-positive - wCD detected you with this file and clearly it's specified in the detection name that only Found the file.

I have nothing left to say, if you don't understand then it's your problem.

01-05-2022, 06:44 PM
Dude what?? how may i know that its a “cheat” i only use it for my videos and u can check my youtube channel and see the 3rd camera usage from HlAE , i never cheated on STEAM Cs..

--------------- Added after 5 minutes ---------------

Do u have discord? i can screenshare it with you live and do another scan for u while the app isnt even in my Cs folder, and i dont have it opened and it’ll give the same detection., PoGdAb#0013 or #0013PoGdAb

Now On Non steam cs, fine i can tell you that i cheated with wallhack with my friend, once i got STEAM cs i stopped even playing de dust and shooting maps, i became a deathrun, kz player and started a youtube channel, never cheated in my life on Steam cs. So if u have discord, or can accept my Steam friend request ill show u and prove it to u even more ��

01-05-2022, 07:13 PM
That information it's literally on the project's website (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>)...

I am going to close this topic, it seems useless to speak with you. You either pay for your detection to be cleared or keep it, your choice.
