View Full Version : BANNED - 6TH DEGREE Please forgive. Wont happen anymore.

23-04-2022, 12:26 PM
Hi, when I tried to scan wargods today, I noticed that I was banned when I used a different nickname then mine, I did not use any cheating only HLTV Models or tried to deterrent application. I demand that my ban be opened ifi ts possible, I''m now a honest and respectful man which show his intrest in himself and showing to people peace.

LAST REPORT ID (OPTIONAL): admin can view my wargods history registered to my steam id

NICK: justICEEE! ~~ , If its possible to unban the "DAU PENTRU ADELA FLOASIU ANDREW" and to unban "justICEEE!~~" nickname from the wargods scan it would be great, sorry for using the "DAU PENTRU ADELA FLOASIU ANDREW" nickname, its not okay.


STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:155973020
DATE AND HOUR BAN: 11.11.2021

DATE AND HOUR: Admin can view my wargods history registered to my steam id

OTHER INFORMATION: I play my game fairly, I've cheated before as a young mental and I hate it. I will use anticheat. Forgive if its possible Sir/Madam. Please unban me!

23-04-2022, 12:38 PM
Yeah, you are "honest" ... For you, special unban fee, 6th degree for lying.

Forget about receiving free unban after you used a virtual machine to generate a fake report.

23-04-2022, 12:56 PM
Good afternoon Sir,
With all due respect, at the moment I'm a Omnia student. I can tell I'm preparing myself for the future so I can work so I can pay taxes and bills and to become independent. With all my free time I entered here so I can ask for forgivness. We all have to get a 2nd chance for the forgivness. I'm not a bad guy, I''m just trying to be polite and respectful with everybody. If you need other informations dont hesitate to contact me. I will reply if its necessary.
Best regards, Andrew Nyongesa.

23-04-2022, 01:04 PM
This isn't a charity to receive a second chance. You had simple rules to follow and you broke them...You should have thought twice before trying to do something this stupid.

23-04-2022, 01:10 PM
Like everybody else, What should I do in this case so I can be forgived?:-/

23-04-2022, 02:04 PM
You pay for your own mistake.