View Full Version : SOLVED Problem with WG

28-12-2021, 02:41 PM
I got red wargod scan with "Found HPP Hack Data", but cs was instaled just 1 day ago. Ive been switching a lot servers to get more bhop and kz maps downloaded. Then i tried to register on mix server web, and it needs wargod scan. No problem, i did the scan, and it showed red WG "Found HPP Hack Data". I found .txt file in csstrike(or csstrike downloads) and it just had a download link inside it. I deleted it and now its fine.Any ideas why that could happen ? Are those kz/bhop random foreign servers could be it ?

28-12-2021, 03:30 PM
Hello. You aren't detected anymore. Those reports you are speaking about are old. Your latest report is 2314764 (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>)

28-12-2021, 03:43 PM
Hello. You aren't detected anymore. Those reports you are speaking about are old. Your latest report is 2314764 (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>)

Thanks for the answer ! Yeah, now its fine. But because of that i got banned from one good project.. I just want to know how it happend in a first place, cause i never had cheated and i hated , who do. I dont know what it says when its actualy cheating, but i have only hack data? i think? witch is that .txt file with a link.. Could 1 txt file affect all of this ?

28-12-2021, 04:05 PM
Well, someone played with HPP on that computer. And no, "data" means artefacts left by the cheat after being used.

28-12-2021, 05:24 PM
Well, someone played with HPP on that computer. And no, "data" means artefacts left by the cheat after being used.

Ok, my pc was bought from a person, but it was clean when i got it. Only steam, teamspeak, teamviewer, important pc programs and user folder. When i tried to google why wargod screens are red and what is "hpp data", and where to look for it, it showed, that there can be some files in user folder, but there was MUSIC, VIDEOS, some useless folders and nothing suspicious. I deleted them also, just to be sure, but everything fixed after i deleted txt file.
So i want to know, if my wargod is clean now, is it realy possible, that somehow some random useless files(when they downloaded from pubs) can affect wargod to be red?

thx for the answers:)

28-12-2021, 06:32 PM
Not possible, unless you write at specific (user uncommon) path some data. HPP saves data in a special directory that are used by applications, but a user can save there data too (not likely for a user to do that).

28-12-2021, 08:57 PM
Not possible, unless you write at specific (user uncommon) path some data. HPP saves data in a special directory that are used by applications, but a user can save there data too (not likely for a user to do that).

Thank you for your time bro.:)

29-12-2021, 09:52 PM
You are welcome.
