View Full Version : FALSE POSITIVE Generic Cheat Detection

12-11-2021, 11:10 PM
(sorry, i've posted this elsewhere, I didn't read the note first, i jsut went ahead and searched for this generic cheat detection thing on google and found another topic and posted it there)

Hi everyone, I randomly did a wg scan for fun "since I've never used it before, i just have it there ready in case I get asked for it" and when I saw the report, it said "Generic Cheat Detection". I am sure I don't have any cheats, I am a steam player btw and playing on Win10.
By the way, my windows virus and threat protection alarmedme of an unwanted behavior of something while I was running the scan.
Is it a glitch or something ? Because I am 100% sure I don't have any cheats.
Thank you!

btw, here's the report's link: <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

13-11-2021, 10:18 AM
You are supposed to read and follow this tutorial (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>).

14-11-2021, 01:09 PM
Okay, I will

--------------- Added after 7 minutes ---------------

Sorry mate, I saw the reply a bit too late, so the game was closed, pc shut down. But as you said in the antivirus section, when I ran the scan, my windows defender might have blocked it, because it had warned me of an unwanted behavior going on, but when I did a second scan, it ran just fine. I will make sure to turn off my windows virus protection next time when i do the scan.

I really appreciate you took the choice to remove my detection report, I don't want my profile/reputation to be ruined by that, have a great day sir!

14-11-2021, 01:28 PM
I cleared your detection only because someone else contacted me with the same problem and provided the proof (memory dump). Next time please read the tutorial.
