View Full Version : NOT A FALSE POSITIVE False detection? (Found DLL Injector Data)

08-06-2021, 08:03 PM
Hello. So after a looong brake from cs, after more than one year of not playing the game, today I launched cs and when I scanned got a red report.. I don't understand the reason why, but if anyone could tell me I would be grateful! Thanks.

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08-06-2021, 08:39 PM
DLL Injector sounds familiar to you?! Remove its settings and you will be fine.

08-06-2021, 08:59 PM
Hey, thank you very much! But how do I do thaht exactly if I dont even know if I have one in my pc? Of course I had this pc for over 10 years so maybe some type of injector could be hiding somewhere.. I needed a blue wargod so I could get back to playing 1.6 gathers in my countries last server. And the main admin told me to get some answer from you to explain why did I got a red wg. I hope you believe me that I played legit for all those years and this "injector" thing is just a misunderstanding :)

08-06-2021, 09:09 PM
Hey dude, thank you for explaining. But could you tell me more details about it? You see, I have my pc for over 10 years, since I was a kid - and ofcourse somewhere there could be hiding such a file. So how do I find it exactly? Also, I needed a blue wargods for my countries only gathers server, so I could play in it.. And its really disappointing to see it being red. Could it be a false scan? Is there any chance to erase the red wg's? Sincerely thanks.

09-06-2021, 10:33 PM
It's not a false-positive. Delete your injector and it's settings.

10-06-2021, 04:05 PM
But I looked everywhere, didnt find anything.. Im thinking of reinstalling windows to fix the issue. but the main question remains - is there anyway to take out the red wg’s? Its really poking my eyes :)

11-06-2021, 08:56 PM
Search in %appdata%. It should be there.