View Full Version : BANNED - 5TH DEGREE unban hexacola

07-02-2021, 06:21 PM
In your free unban request please fill the title of the topic with Free unban "Your Nickname" (e.g.: Free unban Tiger):

Free unban request model:
LAST REPORT ID (OPTIONAL): Your last wCD report (if any)
NICK: hexacola
IP (OPTIONAL): (check your IP address here: WarGods - What is my IP address)
STEAM ID: All your SteamID or Steam profile link from each account you used.
OTHER INFORMATION: Other information which can help us

Conditions to receive free unban:
For 1st degree ban your last ban must be at least 3 months old.
For 2st degree ban your last ban must be at least 6 months old.
You must create the free unban thread where to specify the required informations.
Your banned IP addresses will not be checked how old they are, therefore they will not affect you from receiving the free unban.

Players who have other ban degree will receive 1 degree drop, until 1st degree ban, for each 6 months since the last ban. They will never be able to get free unban.

07-02-2021, 09:09 PM
Banned for using WarGods Scan Bypass CFG. For unban you have to pay 5th degree unban fee.