View Full Version : NOT A FALSE POSITIVE The problem is false detection.

20-01-2021, 08:08 PM
The problem is false detection.
<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>), the topic is unfortunately closed ((

I apologize for writing here! Didn't understand the forum ((
The problem is the following .... wCD detects the use of cheats, but I definitely don't have them (I practically read Windows on my computer and I have CS 1.6 installed) I only use my computer to play CS for a couple of hours in the evening after work and that's it. Before that, there was a conflict between wCD and programs for electronic digital signatures, but I deleted them and all the detections disappeared (by the way, I also wanted to contact but did not understand how to make a memory dump) problems with the language, now I decided to figure it out because I do not use anything prohibited and never did not even try, it just became insulting ((
Now I found your instructions on the forum, I'll try to do everything right ...
1. Report <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
2. Antivirus is not installed
3. None of the software has been installed today, even in the next month
4.<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
5. Link dump memory (corrected, access should be) - <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
Archive password - 1423
Also from myself, my personal opinion, maybe I'm wrong and this can't be, I don't know ... the server administrator doesn't like me very much because I play well and constantly gets to the bottom of me, I went through wCD quite often and everything was always fine ( except for the case with the conflict of the electronic digital signature software) and today the administrator spoke out several times that I was playing suspiciously, and so it seems to me that he, as an administrator, threw me some file that wCD found, I'm not sure what is possible, but there was one moment in the last game that seemed strange to me, the administrator changed the map on which I had never played, respectively, for some time it was downloaded since I did not have such a map (I have been playing on this server for 4-5 months only on others I don't even connect to the server) and after 10 minutes of the game from the administrator, please go through wCD, and somehow strange it is after passing the wCD test that the use of chi is detected Comrade Hmmmm And as soon as he notifies me that I have not passed wCD immediately changes the card to the usual one. Hence my assumptions (((
I ask you to consider my request and help me figure out what really happened
Thank you for understanding!

20-01-2021, 11:18 PM
Upload here the csx guard ini configuration file.

21-01-2021, 07:22 PM
Please tell me the path to the directory where this file is located

21-01-2021, 07:43 PM
It should be in your CS directory, it may be hidden.

21-01-2021, 08:00 PM
<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

Сделал поиск по имени и расширению в директории игры, все результаты добавил в архив

--------------- Added after 3 minutes ---------------

I made a search by name and extension in the game directory, added all the results to the archive

21-01-2021, 11:08 PM
Can you explain why do you have these commands in your CS?


25-01-2021, 06:22 PM
I don't know what these commands are, the only thing that I have added to the game directory is my personal configuration file, everything else was either during installation or, according to my assumption, was somehow thrown in (in the description of the problem). I attach the file of my configuration (he has not had any problems with anti-cheats for 10 years already)
<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

--------------- Added after 17 minutes ---------------

about throwing, maybe I repeat
it was strange that before the banning, the server administrator for the wrong reason changed the card to the one that had never been on this server and in general I did not have any downloaded files, so I needed to download some files, and maybe it was in them that I did something and picked it up, POSSIBLY AND INTENTIONALLY, the admin hates me because I play well

28-01-2021, 08:50 PM

29-01-2021, 10:28 PM
I am sorry but I can't remove your detections.

01-02-2021, 05:30 PM
OK, I get it.
Please answer the second part of my question, is it possible, at the request of the administrator, to force the user to secretly download such files.
It's just that I can't have cheats, I'm sure of this (I didn't download them on purpose and never used them), otherwise what's the point of trying to defend myself against common sense.
I just already have a principle if I find out that this is done on purpose by the administrator, I will talk to him differently, because if this is possible, this is simply fraud, since I bought a permanent VIP on the server