View Full Version : Clean your wCD detections with a fee

20-06-2020, 03:54 PM
Because we don't encourage the behavior of playing unfair online against other players the fee for cleaning your detections is 10 euro / report with detection.

This fee can be paid using:



You don't have any "clear" privileges if you have an active ban. In order to clear your reports you have be unbanned first.
Your report(s) will be cleaned after you show us the payment proof.
We won't clean your reports that were made in the last 7 days.
We can clean your reports only on our website. We can't clean your reports from other websites that we don't own (e.g.: if Google caches the wCD reports).
Your report(s) will be cleaned right after you show me the payment proof and only if you contact me on private when I am available.
Because wCD search page uses a cache mechanism it is possible that your detections to not be cleaned right away. In this case please wait a few hours, they will be deleted automatically.