View Full Version : Cereri Unban

08-01-2020, 12:24 AM
Hey, just got perma banned why?

Admin keno ?
You asked me to run the test ... again. even tho i did it last week. So every time i wanna play on your serve with a different name that's the treatment i'm going to get?
Should we make a memorable name for me ? Or should i shortcut your scan app ? :))

Namn: awp hack
Anledning: pika
Unban Tid: Permanent Ban
Admin Namn: RESPAWN.***********.RO # RESPAWN SERVER
Admin SteamID:

Lots of love.
Noma noma hey!

08-01-2020, 07:00 AM
Hello , you got the wrong community here , try to write the name of the server in a google tab , you'll find its comunity and maybe you can sort something out with them , have a great day!.