View Full Version : [CSGO]GoldMember ( DNS Benefist )

08-08-2019, 07:11 AM
Descriere: Dacă aveți DNS-ul serverului în numele de steam, veți obține beneficii precum armură gratuită, etichete gratuite și credite gratuite la fiecare 3 minute

Plugin: GoldMember ( DNS Benefist )
Versiune: 1.0
Autor: xSLOW
Link oficial: AlliedModders (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>)
Download linkl: DirectDownload (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>)

1.Fisierul goldmember_xxx_edition.smx il puneti in csgo\csgo\addons\sourcemod\plugins.
2.Fisierul goldmember_xxx_edition.sp il puneti in csgo\csgo\addons\sourcemod\scripting..
3.Intra in fisierul csgo/cfg/sourcemod/goldmember.cfg si modifica cu DNS-ul tau.

Comenzi (chat/consola):

sm_goldtag | Opens a menu with many cool tags for scoreboard

sm_goldmember_credits" "10" | Credits to give per X time, if player has DNS in name.
sm_goldmember_credits_time "180" | Time in seconds to give the credits.
sm_goldmember_serverdns "DNS.WAGODS.RO" | Server's DNS
sm_goldmember_nospec "1" | Who gets free credits? 0 = ALL PLAYERS and 1 = ONLY CT/T, without spectators.