View Full Version : Lasermine Beta

19-07-2019, 02:29 PM
Descriere: Puteți pune lasere pentru a omora zombie/oameni.

Plugin: Lasermine Beta
Versiune: 5.0
Autor: th3fla
Download link: <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

1.Fisierul lasermine_beta.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins.
[Optional]: Fisierul lasermine_beta.sma il puneti in addons/amxmodx/scripting.
2.Intrati în addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini si adaugati la urma: lasermine_beta.amxx .


Screenshot (daca exista):O sa revin cu niște poze.


* Lasermine Beta v1 - 23.06.2019
- first release
- added the command : amx_laserunset
- added spark effects
- added cvar bio/amx realistic_detail

* Lasermine Beta v2 - 25.06.2019
- fixed some bugs

* Lasermine Beta v3 - 26.06.2019
- added cvar bio/amx brokeenemy
- added new lasermine model

* Lasermine Beta v4 - 29.06.2019
- added hud info : Owner and Health
- fixed bug : the lasers did not turn off when the round ends

* Lasermine Beta v5 - 05.07.2019
- fixed some bugs
- added color hud info < CT = Blue > < Zombie = Red >
- added Romanian Language
- added ColorChat

Pe viitor o sa vin cu mai multe update-uri, plugin funcționează și pe modul clasic și pe biohazard.

22-08-2019, 10:41 AM
Update Nou: GirlShare (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>)
Versiune: 6.0

Change Log:
* Lasermine Beta v6 - 22.08.2019
- removed Lasermine State
- added a message when player plant a lasermine
- fixed some bugs
- added new cvar bio/amx plantinfo